Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Red and White Film (Raise Morale nationalism?)

by Princess Chairina

Indonesian film industry finally got up again with an interesting alternative themes. This time the theme of nationalism. After Naga Bonar, now tampillah movie "Red and White".

Why is the title of this article uses "question mark"? Since I have not watched the movie! Hehe ..

Yes, the film is a new Red and White will finish produced in April 2009. To then displayed on the big screen on August 17, 2009. It seems the phenomenon of film Laskar Pelangi, the teachers and students in droves to watch together, will be repeated for this film. (Sok-ANALYSIS mode: ON)

Red and White film crew was very professional enough. No half-hearted, the Hollywood-scale movie pembesut also drawn to strengthen this movie. Particularly effects coordinator worked with Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down. His stuntman coordinator worked with Mission Impossible II and The Quite American. Make-up and visual effects are handled by dressing movie ever The Dark Night. Weapons consultant worked with Crocodile Dundee II, The Matrix, The Thin Red Line, Australia, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Assistant director and worked with December Boys and beutiful.

Although many of the films on which I have never seen. But it seems they are definitely players scale Hollywood film industry is no doubt about his greatness.

The players were trained to the point of military-style education for 10 days. Wew! Seriously bener nih who made the movie!

This film (he says) is one of the three trilogy of independence will be made.

Hm .. be interested to watch.

Hopefully this movie is not only a performer but it can encourage the child nationalism. Especially the youth.

Rise of the nation's youth!

Towards Indonesia gold!


Reference News:



Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

method using

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Using Method Youth Devotions for Growing in God

There are so many ways for believers in the Christian faith to continue growing in God. Many of this generation's youth are investing time in reading daily devotions. Teenagers who are hungry for all that God has for them will seek out productive ways to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. Finding short easy to understand devotionals that can be received by way of email is becoming an ever increasing way for teens to remain anchored in their faith.

Popular Christian websites that provide these daily Bible lessons are displaying many positive testimonials that Christian youth group leaders, parents and teen participants are submitting.

As I was surfing the Internet to find valuable information pertaining to online Christian Bible lessons, I found several praise reports from devotional recipients.

Here are some testimonies we discovered:

"I want to say thanks for these devotions. Sometimes it's exactly what I'm going through. Like god is giving me a personal talk and message. Keep doing it!!!!! "

"My husband is a youth pastor in SC. I direct our Youth Dance & Drama Team & after our practices we have a time of devotion & prayer along with a prayer & devotion journal for the week to follow. I use these devotions a lot for that purpose as well. My husband has truly enjoyed them too. Keep up what you're doing because you ARE making an IMPACT on today's youth."

Ways that these devotions are distributed to teenagers.

One of the most popular and effective methods of distributing the daily devotionals is through email. Many Christian youth receive them directly from the websites that provide them on a daily basis.

Some parents and youth-leaders, which get the devotions by way of email, would rather screen them and then forward them to their children or youth group members.

Devotional eBooks, whether they are for sale or free, are a popular way for teenagers, parents and youth-leaders to continue growing strong in the Christian faith.

Some websites don't email the devotions, but rather they provide an online library filled with hundreds of lessons covering a broad range of biblical topics.

Teenagers using the Internet for growing in their Christian faith literally have hundreds of options available online. Youth devotions are a great way for teens to continue growing in biblical knowledge and getting to know God in greater ways.

panic for medicines

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Medicines for Panic Attack Symptoms

About 40% of folks with panic attack symptoms experience agony in their chest. Chest pain or discomfort is listed in the DSM-IV-TR under the associated panic attack symptoms. Whether or not you have panic attack symptoms, pain in the chest area sounds an alarm.

The 1st thought and justly so, is that you are experiencing a probable coronary or other cardiac event. This probability sends many of us to the closest trauma room for help. But, frequently chest agony related to panic attack symptoms isn’t related to the heart and isn’t, sometimes, considered serious.

Panic Attack Symptoms - Typical and Atypical Chest Pain

Professionals have divided chest discomfort under the headings of “typical” and “atypical.” Everyday chest discomfort is thought to be more likely related to a cardiac event. Atypical chest pain, on the other hand, is assumed to decrease the possibility the agony has cardiac origins. But, defining what is “typical” and what is “atypical” is not set by clear boundaries. set by clear bounds. And, though atypical chest pain reduces the chance of heart trouble, some people do, indeed, have atypical chest discomfort with a heart attack or other cardiac episode.

The following gives a general top level view of what is mostly considered the characteristics of everyday chest agony indicative of heart difficulty and atypical chest discomfort frequently related to panic attack symptoms. It isn’t meant not intended to serve as a tool for self-diagnosis. All chest discomfort should be evaluated by a physician for correct diagnosis.

Typical Chest Pain Associated With Heart Problems

* Rising chest agony reaching maximum severity after a few minutes
* Consistent agony, pressure or aching
* Discomfort in the substernal or left chest area
* Discomfort that travels or generates from the chest to other areas,eg one or both arms, the shoulders or the jaw
* Discomfort that is brought on by exertion ( though unstable angina may bring about pain without exertion.

Learn more about panic attack symptoms and ways to detect it by clicking here.

Atypical Chest Pain Associated With Panic Attack Symptoms

* Pointy or stabbing chest pain
* Chest discomfort that is fleeting
* Pain that is localized to a little area
* Discomfort that occurs without exertion
* Chest Pain that accompanies stress or a panic attack
* Discomfort that is relieved or worsened when you change positions
* Pain that may be reproduced or worsened by pressing over the area of pain

A Word about Heart Disease and Panic Attack Symptoms

Some heart disease associated with Medicines for Panic Attack Symptoms are similar to cardiac issues, but are not related to heart function. The participants of this study who reported these panic attack symptoms inside the previous 6 months weren’t distinguished between a single panic attack, a few panic attacks or recurring panic episodes indicative of panic episode symptoms. It is possible that some of people who answered positive to the screening questions on panic attacks may have essentially been experiencing an undiagnosed heart problem.