Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

10 frist units

Friday, July 31, 2009

First 10 units of Nokia E75 offered at charity auction at Nokia Communicator Community

Boosting productivity in style, Nokia E75 brings rich and exciting messaging experience to consumers

Jakarta – The first 10 units of the full QWERTY Nokia E75, a new addition to the Eseries range, were offered today at a charity auction to approximately 1,000 members of the Nokia Communicator Community (NCC). The Nokia E75 is the first device that comes with the company’s new email user interface, offering a richer messaging experience. The device also comes standard with Nokia Messaging that, when added to the company's corporate email clients, gives people the most efficient solution for accessing consumer and corporate email on the go.

At the Nokia Communicator Community gathering, the 10 NCC members who had successfully bid for the Nokia E75 became the first consumers in the world to own the device. The proceeds will be donated to WWF (World Wide Fund) Indonesia. The Nokia E75 is expected to be commercially available in Indonesia in end March.

In today's climate, the costs and benefits of technology are under closer scrutiny and email is an essential driver of efficiency and productivity. "Efficiency is about doing more with less and focusing on what's truly essential. With direct access to Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes, companies can potentially save up to a third of their operating costs as there's no need for middleware or additional server," says Hasan Aula, Executive Advisor & Director, Nokia Indonesia.

"With the Nokia E75 we took a lot of inspiration from the successful Nokia Communicator series. Owners of the Nokia Communicator range of devices loved the messaging functionality a full keyboard provided, but also used the traditional phone keypad a great deal. We kept these essential ingredients in the Nokia E75, significantly upgraded all of the features and made it as compact and efficient as possible. Nokia's aim is to make mobile email easily discoverable and available to everyone, no matter what their preference of device and service are. We believe that potentially, mobile email can become as ubiquitous as voice and SMS communications," Aula continues.

With the Nokia E75, people will no longer need to boot up a PC to get a full desktop email experience. The enhanced email UI includes folder and HTML email support, expandable views and sorting capability by date, sender and size, as well as the most commonly used email functions just a single click away. On top of email, the devices also offer improved calendar capability, as well as contacts and task management. The device comes with full Nokia Maps and assisted GPS with integrated license for turn-by-turn navigation, and a great gaming experience with N-Gage on board.

This new device comes in the wake of the most successful year for Eseries to date, with more than 10 million units shipped worldwide in 2008. "With companies looking to consolidate costs and assets, and with the number of email-enabled devices in the Nokia range and our direct access model, Nokia looks set to continue this performance in 2009," concludes Aula.

Additional press materials and photos can be found at www.nokia.com/press/

About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of mobile devices with services and software that enable people to experience music, navigation, video, television, imaging, games, business mobility and more. Developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is a key area of focus. We also provide equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens networks.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

story love

ni is a love story. But it's not just simply ordinary love story. It's about how to deal with falling-rising problems of Islamic way of life. Fahri bin Abdillah is Indonesian students who tried to reach his master's degree in Al Ahzar. Berjibaku with hot-dust Egypt. Struggling with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Survived by a translator of religious books. All targets Fahri lived with enthusiasm except one: to get married.

Why? Because Fahri is a devout man who was so 'straight'. He did not know the courtship before marriage. He was less articulate when dealing with creatures called women. There are very few women close to him for this. Grandmother, mother and sister.

Really? Seemed to move to Egypt to make it change. Tersebutlah Maria Girgis. Neighbor one flat Coptic Christian but admire the Qur'an. And menganggumi Fahri. Admiration that turned into love. Dear love Mary just pouring in the diary only.

Then there Nurul. Son of a well-known kyai dredge science at Al Azhar. Fahri actually put the heart in this sweet girl. Unfortunately feeling that only mindernya farmers make the offspring never showed any sense of Nurul. While Nurul became hesitant and always second-guessing.

After that there Noura. Also neighbors who always tortured his own father. Fahri fully empathize with Noura and wanted to help. Unfortunately it just empathy. No more. But the hope Noura more. And this will be a big problem when Noura Fahri accused raped her.

Last comes the Aisha. The beautiful eyes conjured Fahri. Since an incident in the metro, when Fahri defend Islam from charges of old-fashioned and rigid, Aisha fell in love with Fahri. And Fahri could not deceive her.

Then how the boy's village nan straight face all this? Who was chosen? Can he go through all the Islamic path so he believed?

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

one love

Higher than the sky above you
Clearer than blue
Brighter than the rays of sunshine
Warmer than what you feel
More than all the wonders you see
It's the most wonderful thing

Brighter than the living colors of flowers you see
Sweeter than the touch of water
Flowing from the mountain spring
More than all the wonders you see
It's the most wonderful thing

One love...
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
All we need is love
Real love

Marvel at the sight of green fields
Amazingly seen
Watch the colors of the rainbow
It's a miracle you see
More than all the wonders can be
But there's more than that

One Love...
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
All we need is love
Real love

Greater than what you can feel
More than what you ever dreamed
This is better than your everything

One love...
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one(8x)
All we need is love
One love

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


Black-and-white is a number of monochrome forms in visual arts. Most forms of visual technology start out in black and white, then slowly evolve into color as technology progresses.[citation needed]

Black-and-white as a description is also something of a misnomer, for in addition to black and white most of these media included varying shades of gray. Further, many prints, especially those produced earlier in the development of photography, were in sepia (mainly to provide archival stability), which gave a richer, more subtle shading than reproductions in plain black-and-white, although less so than color.

[edit] Media

Some popular black-and-white media of the past include:

  • Movies and animated cartoons. While some color film processes (including hand coloring) were experimented with and in limited use from the earliest days of the motion picture, the switch from most films being in black-and-white to most being in color was gradual, taking place from the 1930s to the 1960s. Even when most studios had the capability to make color films, they were not heavily utilized as tinting techniques and the Technicolor process were expensive and difficult. For years color films were not capable of rendering realistic hues, thus mostly historical films or musicals were made in color and many directors preferred to use black and white stock. For the years 1940–1966 a separate Academy Award for Best Art Direction was given for black and white movies, along with one for color.
  • Photography was black-and-white or shades of sepia. Color photography was originally rare and expensive, and again often less than true to life. Color photography became more common in the middle of the 20th century, and has become even more common since. Black-and-white remains a niche market for photographers who use the medium for artistic purposes. This can take the form of black and white film or digital conversion to grayscale, with optional image manipulation to enhance the results. For amateur use, certain companies such as Kodak manufacture black-and-white disposable cameras. Also, certain films are produced today which give black and white images using the ubiquitous C41 color process.
  • Television programming was first broadcast in black-and-white. Some color broadcasts in the USA began in the 1950s, with color becoming common in western industrialized nations by the late 1960s and then standard during the 1970s. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission settled on a color NTSC standard in 1953, and the NBC network began broadcasting a limited color television schedule in January, 1954. Color television became more widespread in the U.S. between 1964 and 1967, when the CBS and ABC networks joined NBC in broadcasting full color schedules. Canada began airing color television in 1966 while the United Kingdom established an entirely color system in November 1969. New Zealand began color broadcasting in 1973, and Australia kept airing black-and-white broadcasts until 1975. While no longer used much professionally, many consumer camcorders have the ability to record in black-and-white.
  • Most newspapers were black-and-white until the late 1970s; The New York Times and The Washington Post remained in black-and-white until the 1990s. Some claim that USA Today was the major impetus for the change to color. In the UK, color was only slowly introduced from the mid 1980s. Even today, many newspapers restrict color photographs to the front and other prominent pages since mass producing photographs in black-and-white is considerably less expensive than color.
  • Manga (Japanese or Japanese-influenced comics) are typically published in black-and-white.
  • Jet magazine was either all or mostly black-and-white until the end of the 20th century, when it became all-color.
  • School yearbooks have (historically) been printed either entirely or mostly in black-and-white. All-color school yearbooks are still rare, but more common than before.
Black-and-white photo of Patti Smith in concert. June 16, 2007

Today black-and-white media often has a "nostalgic", historic, or anachronistic feel to it. For example, the 1998 Woody Allen film Celebrity was shot entirely in black-and-white, and Allen has often made use of the practice since Manhattan in 1979. Other films, such as American History X and Pleasantville play with the concept of the black-and-white anachronism, using it to selectively portray scenes and characters who are either more outdated or dull than the characters and scenes shot in full-colour. This manipulation of colour appears in the film Sin City and the occasional television commercial. Wim Wenders' 1987 film Wings of Desire uses sepia-tone black-and-white for the scenes shot from the angels' perspective. When Damiel, the angel (the film's main character), becomes a human, the film changes to colour emphasising his new "real life" view of the world.

Since the late 1960s, few mainstream films have been shot entirely in black-and-white. The reasons are frequently commercial, as it is difficult to sell a film for television broadcasting if the film is not in color. Monochrome film stock is rarely used at the time of shooting, even if the films are intended to be presented theatrically in black-and-white. Movies such as John Boorman's The General and Joel Coen's The Man Who Wasn't There were obliged to be filmed in color by their respective crews, despite being presented in black-and-white for artistic reasons. Clerks is one of the few well-known recent films shot in black-and-white for no artistic purpose; because of the extremely low out-of-pocket budget, the production team could not afford the added costs of shooting in color (though the difference in film stock price would be slight, the store's fluorescent lights could not be used to light for color; by shooting in black and white, the film-makers did not have to rent lighting equipment).

Some modern film directors will occasionally shoot movies in black and white as an artistic choice, though it is much less common for a major Hollywood production. This is also true of black-and-white photography, where many photographers choose to shoot in solely black and white since the stark contrasts enhance the subject matter.

[edit] Computing

Most computers had monochrome (black-and-white, black and green, or black and amber) screens until the late 1980s; however, some home computers could be connected to television screens to eliminate the extra cost of a monitor. These took advantage of NTSC or PAL encoding to offer a range of colors from as low as 4 (IBM CGA) to 128 (Atari 800) to 4096 (Commodore Amiga). Early videogame consoles such as the Atari Video Computer System/VCS/2600 supported both black-and-white and color modes via a switch, as did some of the early home computers; this was to accommodate black-and-white TV sets which would display a color signal poorly. (Typically a different shading scheme would be used for the display in the black-and-white mode.)

In computing terminology, black-and-white is sometimes used to refer to a binary image consisting solely of pure black pixels and pure white pixels; what would normally be called a black-and-white image, that is, an image containing shades of gray, is referred to in this context as grayscale.

Viking Menolak Peredaran Film Romeo & Juliet

JAKARTA, TRIBUN - Toward the premiere screenings at 21 cinemas this week, Romeo & Juliet film director Joseph Andibachtiar it led to protests. Not only from the Viking camp, eleven Arsenal fans Bandung, rejection also came from supporters of teams Liverpool, Jakmania.

Heru Joko, Chairman of the Vikings, who reached at Bandung, Monday (20 / 4) said it has shot to the 21 objections to the film was released in the cinema network. "The letter is our last week layangkan. The core contents of the letter refusing the film was released," he said.

Heru assess if the movie was released she was still concerned will exacerbate hostility between the Vikings and Jakmania. "We certainly object to. If the contents of the message the film wants to reconcile, not like that way. It's actually exacerbate the situation. Make us Joseph will be responsible," he said.

Viking stronghold objections arise following the movie trailers are produced Bogalakon Pictures! that in a number of media. According to Heru, the movie Romeo & Juliet not only lead to problems of fanaticism sentiment between the two camps of supporters, "but has expanded into the cultural sentiment. And, that we can not accept," Heru said.

It is agreed by the Word Setiawan, one Bobotoh Arsenal. According to him, a scene in one scene in the film clips which are circulating behind, very offensive Sundanese society.

"The scene in angkot, there is a dialogue that came out of camp Jakmania nimpali time speech from the child Viking, 'Nah understand the language cave monkey!" It's obviously very painful. Sundanese language is called a monkey, "he said.

According to the Word, what was to be delivered Ucup, so Andibachtiar Joseph addressed, the movie may be good intentions, but wrong way to bring up cultural issues.

"We reject Vikings hostility and cultural sentiments Jakmania made. This sentiment organization. No problem Sundanese and Betawi," he explained.

While Ucup, who was contacted at different places, on Monday (20 / 4), claimed to have his own reasons about what the movie trying to convey that. According to him, some parties may have objected, but he himself did not intend to declare keberpihakannya to any party. "Caves to describe Indonesia as it is," he said.

"Film cave usual romance drama. Nah nothing special. Here is a cave like and warned that fanaticism is actually a good thing, if it saved itself. But if fanaticism is divided, the result could even destroy it and disrupting other people, "he continued.

That is, information Ucup, who happens to Viking and Jakmania. "Vikings and Jakmania mind if there are supporters of your opponent's stronghold where they were. Create a cave that was disrupting the comfort of people. Maparin Cave just want it," he said.

Responding to these protests, Ucup only ask all parties to watch the movie first, rather than fuss about things not yet clear. "If you just see the trailer, which is only two minutes, people would be enggak what the message handed to the cave," he said.

Romeo & Juliet, a film starring Sissy Prescillia, Edo and Alex Komang borne, would be played in 21 theaters network, on Thursday (23 / 4) future. True love story about two lovers, Rangga and Desi. Freely adapted from the story of William Shakespeare's legendary. (Kompas.com / EH)
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diputer behavior eta film. Matak piomongeun .. Matak pipaseaeun, teu kudu in theaters diputer da ge geus filmna spread .. harayang?
Comments By: asep | Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | 08:20 pm

I agree that if the film is in the show on tv. Because I think that movie guns guns cause trouble (not obscene), but romantic.
Comments By: Vista | Thursday, October 29, 2009 | 15:38 WIB

Easy Klo SARA riots cokok ucup tuh si .. earn money must not be used to consider the pros and cons .. ente klo mo yg halal. Do sampen ente earn money flowing blood ..!!
Comments By: Milanisti | Wednesday, September 9, 2009 | 00:39 pm

until whenever viking
Comments By: darwin sandy | Monday, September 7, 2009 | 23:45 pm

emang bener .. dur gus said the Department was dissolved just lighting! because there is no work!! all consumption of our society does not educate the majority of soap opera does not educate the cinema ..! but the government still aja! rescued the generation of O pejabatku Indonesia ... where do you care ....? do not make gray Indonesia ....