Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

story love

ni is a love story. But it's not just simply ordinary love story. It's about how to deal with falling-rising problems of Islamic way of life. Fahri bin Abdillah is Indonesian students who tried to reach his master's degree in Al Ahzar. Berjibaku with hot-dust Egypt. Struggling with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Survived by a translator of religious books. All targets Fahri lived with enthusiasm except one: to get married.

Why? Because Fahri is a devout man who was so 'straight'. He did not know the courtship before marriage. He was less articulate when dealing with creatures called women. There are very few women close to him for this. Grandmother, mother and sister.

Really? Seemed to move to Egypt to make it change. Tersebutlah Maria Girgis. Neighbor one flat Coptic Christian but admire the Qur'an. And menganggumi Fahri. Admiration that turned into love. Dear love Mary just pouring in the diary only.

Then there Nurul. Son of a well-known kyai dredge science at Al Azhar. Fahri actually put the heart in this sweet girl. Unfortunately feeling that only mindernya farmers make the offspring never showed any sense of Nurul. While Nurul became hesitant and always second-guessing.

After that there Noura. Also neighbors who always tortured his own father. Fahri fully empathize with Noura and wanted to help. Unfortunately it just empathy. No more. But the hope Noura more. And this will be a big problem when Noura Fahri accused raped her.

Last comes the Aisha. The beautiful eyes conjured Fahri. Since an incident in the metro, when Fahri defend Islam from charges of old-fashioned and rigid, Aisha fell in love with Fahri. And Fahri could not deceive her.

Then how the boy's village nan straight face all this? Who was chosen? Can he go through all the Islamic path so he believed?

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