Minggu, 19 April 2009

indonesia is histori

Indian scholars have written about or Dwipantara Dwipa Javanese Hindu kingdom in Java and Sumatra around 200 BC. Initial physical evidence is the date from the 5th century the two kingdoms patterned Hinduism: Kingdom of West Java Tarumanagara control and coastal Kutai Mahakam River, Borneo. In the 425 years of Buddhism had reached the area.

When Europe entered the Renaissance, Archipelago has had inherited thousands of years old civilizations with the two great kingdoms of Sriwijaya in Sumatra and Majapahit in Java, along with dozens of small kingdoms often vazal more powerful neighbors or connected to each other in a kind of bond trading ( such as in Maluku).
[edit] Hindu-Buddhist kingdom
! Main article: History of Nusantara in the era of Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms
Heritage monument inscription of King Purnawarman Taruma

In the 4th century until the 7th century in the West Java region is patterned kingdom of Hindu-Buddhist kingdom that followed the Tarumanagara Sundanese kingdom until the 16th century. During the 7th century until the 14th century, the Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya flourished on Sumatra. China the I Ching explorers visited the capital of Palembang about 670 years. In his prime, Srivijaya controlled areas of West Java and as far as Malays Peninsula. The 14th century also witnessed the rise of a Hindu empire in East Java, Majapahit. Patih Majapahit between years 1331 to 1364, Gajah Mada, succeeded in obtaining power over what is now part of Indonesia and its magnitude is almost the entire peninsula Malays. Inherited from the Gajah Mada, including codifying the law and in Javanese culture, as seen in the epic Ramayana.
[edit] Islamic Kingdom
! Main article: History of Nusantara in the era of the Islamic empire

Islam as a government presence in Indonesia around the 12th century, but in fact Islam has already arrived in Indonesia on the 7th century AD. It was a busy shipping lane and the international nature through the Malacca Strait that connects the Tang Dynasty in China, the Srivijaya in Southeast Asia and the Umayyad dynasty in Western Asia since the 7th century. [4]

According to Chinese sources by the end of the third quarter of 7th century, an Arab trader to the Arab Muslim leader of the settlement on the coast of Sumatra. Islam also gives effect to the existing political institutions. This is apparent on Year 100 AH (718 AD) King of Sriwijaya named Jambi Srindravarman sent a letter to the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz of the Umayyad Caliphate request sent preachers who could explain Islam to him. The letter read: "From the King of Kings who is the descendant of a thousand kings, whose wife was also the grandson of a thousand kings, who in the animal cages are a thousand elephants, who in his area there are two rivers that irrigate the gaharu tree, perfumed spices, nutmeg and lime the fragrant scented balls to reach a distance of 12 miles, to the Arab King who did not associate other gods with God. I have sent to you gift, which is actually a gift that not too much, but just a sign of friendship. I want you to send me someone who can teach Islam to me and tell me about its laws. "Two years later, the year 720 AD, King Srindravarman, originally a Hindu, converted to Islam. Sriwijaya Jambi also known by the name 'Sribuza Islam'. Unfortunately, in the year 730 AD captured by Jambi Sriwijaya Sriwijaya Palembang still embrace Buddhism. [5]

Islam continues to be mengokoh political institutions that carry Islam. For example, an Islamic sultanate called Sultanate Peureulak established on 1 Muharram 225 H or 12 November 839 AD Another example is the kingdom of Ternate. Islam entered the kingdom in the Maluku islands in 1440. King, a Muslim named Bayanullah.

Islamic Sultanate then semikin disseminate his teachings to the people and through assimilation, replacing the Hindu as the main beliefs in the late 16th century in Java and Sumatra. Only Balinese Hindu majority maintained. On the island in the east, spiritual, Christian and Islamic spiritual leaders known to have active in the 16th century and 17, and now there is a large majority of both religions on the island.

The spread of Islam carried out through trade relations outside the archipelago; this case, because the propagator or the preachers are preaching from the Islamic government delegates who came from outside Indonesia, then to feed themselves and their families, the preachers of this work through trade, the preachers to spread the program Islam to the merchants of the natives, until the merchants are embracing Islam and also transmit to other people, because most traders and experts was the first kingdom to adopt the new religion. Important Islamic empire including: Royal Ocean Pasai, Banten Sultanate of full diplomatic relations with European countries, the Kingdom of Mataram, and the Sultanate and the Sultanate of Ternate in the Moluccas Tidore.
[edit] Colonial Era
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