Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

computer yova

Monday, July 27, 2009
Tips to keep the banned Google Adsense
My long harbored a desire to write an article about this, but only now had time. Probably because yesterday I had the young master banned by adsense.

Now I share tips, practically the trick, but later decide you that ability, not ability to cheat the young master Google.

Have you not mengclick own Google Adsense ads that is diwebsite you, then you feel good-not sure dibanned Google Adsense?

Not at all, many of the factors leading publisher of the banned but not mengclick own ads. The main factor is most important is the ratio of the number CLICK Impression. Usually the number of click can not be more than 30% of the total impression.

For example: The number of impressions achieved in 1000, and the number reached 369 click. From there you have to be careful.

If you do not believe it, try it you leave for a week with a percentage like that, just wait love letter from a young master adsense. The contents of the letter was such a beautiful

It has come to our attention that invalid clicks and / or impressions
have been generated on the Google ads on your site (s). We have
therefore disabled your Google AdSense account. Please understand that
this was a necessary step to protect the interest of the AdWords
advertisers.A publisher's site may not have invalid clicks or impressions on any
ad (s), including but not limited to clicks and / or impressions generated
by: - a publisher on his own web pages
- A publisher Encouraging others to click on his ads
- Automated clicking programs or any other software Deceptive
- A publisher altering any portion of the ad code or changing the
layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reasonThese or any other such activities that violate Google AdSense Terms
and Conditions and program polices may have led us to disable your
account. The Terms and Conditions and program polices can be viewed at:

https: / /
https: / /

Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further
participation in AdSense and do not receive any further payment. The
earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected

If you feel that this decision was made in error, and can maintain in
good faith that the invalid activity was not due to the actions or
negligence of you or those you are responsible for, such as employees
and family members, you may appeal the closing of your account. To do
so, please contact us only through this form:

If Google decides to Evaluate your appeal, we will do our best to
inform you quickly and will proceed with appropriate action as
necessary. If we have reached a decision on your appeal, subsequent or
duplicate appeals may not be considered.


The Google AdSense Team

(It is an example of love letter I received from adsense young master, the major factors for invalid clicks, but there's still some other factors but only a young gentleman who knows adsense)

Other factors include: (it is an example of love letter I received from adsense young master, the major factors for invalid clicks, but there's still some other factors but only a young gentleman who knows adsense)

- Direct hits, that is, your visitor directly into your website without going through search engines or other links, in other words, visitors / guests you directly typing your URL in the browser, and this makes Mediapartners googlebot (robot detector adsense) suspicious you tell a friend / relative / family / mengclick your own adsense ads on your website.

- How long your visitor before diwebsite you mengclick adsense ads?
If your visitor directly without mengclick adsense ads without reading the article on your website, what google adsense not suspicious? you can answer yourself.

- Number IP and Hostname, yes .. These ordinary people suspected that the google adsense detect our own ads mengclick of IP numbers. But perhaps for that use static IP as used large companies, kantor2, this applies. So, for those of you who opened the account adsense jgn your website to inform teman2 your office, let alone tell them mengclick your adsense ads. But to what use the DYNAMIC IP, such as my limited speedy user, this does not apply.

- The subnet IP, this can be a consideration, too, for that use dynamic IP, not too pleased seakan2 adsense can not track your own advertising mengclick.
You need to know that we are using dynamic IP and use a particular service provider, we still are in the same subnetworks. for example I use the speedy, I still subnet, so after you turn off and then turn on your speedy, you stay on the same subnet.

- Tooltips, as well as subnet, google adsense can also track the state and the city where our visitors come, especially those who live in the USA, zip code, CODE DMA can also be detected. If the 3-month visitor all in the subnet and the same country, Dunno, ...

- Proxy IP / Anonymizer, if you or your visitor using a proxy server or proxy server is known to leave the headers that are not clean, for example leaving the USER AGENT TO jelas2 left identity-AN-PROXY them, hati2 course. Advertisers who buy adwords kadang2 memblock visitor using a proxy server, and if it is frequent, they will report you to the adsense site.

Combination of:

- Browser, this is a combination of robots used to detect invalid adsense clicks. Keep in mind that every surf our AGENT USER name you sent to the server?

- Operating System, this will also be sent to the server and can be read javascriptnya adsense.

- Resolution monitor, this combination also be considered invalid robot to track adsense clicks.

Maybe you can learn more with the pair hit counter that can provide full information to you, from there you will understand more about what data2 can read javascript.

for the paranoid, the following can also be considered:

- Cookies, this can make you definitely, you usually do not understand how to set your cookies may harm, for example you often back and forth to check your account adsense web site, you forget mengclearkan cookies, then you iseng2 click your adsense ads, from the cookies that adsense will know you mengclick your own adsense ads.
"Solution If Dibanned Google Adsense"
10 June 2009
# fullpost (display: inline;) In his own Adsense rules if we have Adsense dibanned we should not register again, but my experience you can list anymore but remember to Payee name, or a different payee trus try to name you please pake name Other people also but remember the name of another person should be someone who lived with us or one of your family.
Google Adsense on banned? Demanded Google to Court
10 June 2009
# fullpost (display: inline;)

Create a Google Adsense program, probably not unusual to hear stories that publishers are permanently blocked by Google either because the "non-compliance with the AdSense policies" (not in accordance with the AdSense policies) or "Posing a significant risk to AdWords advertisers" (p. risks significant for AdWords).

Anyway, avoid in and follow the rules related to the content. For example, if there is a web / blog centered around the forbidden topics (such as gambling or pornography), Google can disable the presentation of AdSense for web site / blog.

Who is not appalled when adsense account in the banned because of charges associated with the "click fraud" (click fraud). No one who knows and has a clear understanding of how Google determines "invalid clicks" (clicks are not valid), but the following story may invite AdSense to be more careful in applying the rules again. There is an appeals process in Google even though it does not guarantee that your AdSense account will be active again even if you give all the necessary details (such as web server logs). Catet, ... ... .. :)

Aaron Greenspan is the AdSense on its web users who have a decent income, until he received an email from Google stating that your account has been banned.

Here's the letter of love from google:

While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense account has posed a significant riskto our AdWords advertisers. Since keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our advertisers in the future, we've Decided to disable your AdSense account.

(We found that your AdSense account is a significant risk to AdWords. To maintain the ad publisher account of damage to our network in the future, we have decided to disable your AdSense account).

Aaron writes in the Huffington Post that AdSensenya account was disabled without warning literally, he was trying to find out and contact the parties concerned, from Customer Service to the Google forum, but without it a stalemate.

If the AdSense publisher account disabled for invalid clicks, anyone not entitled to any payment from Google and all that is now obtained will be returned back to the owner of the Ad Words. The same thing happened with Aaron, who then earned about $ 721 from AdSense but the payment has been stopped after the banned accounts.

Confused no idea where else. Aaron finally decided to take legal action for $ 721.00. By one count: Google is not able to prove that there was a mistake he did and pointed to Google's detection algorithm is not perfect. Courts costs just $ 40.

For the record, AdSensenya account was disabled on December 9, 2008. submit the case to court against Google on January 15, 2009 and on March 2, 2009, the judge delivered the following verdict:

"I do not think I have the power here in Palo Alto courtto small claims make you reinstate his account, but I think you owe this young man $ 721.1 think there might be money in Google's treasury for that."

(In my opinion, I do not have the power to a simple case in Palo Alto area is to make you (Google) to return back to his account, but I think you owe it to this young man 721. I think there may be cash on Google for it).

And Google was declared lost the case and ordered to pay according to the judge saying. The question is, why google can not lose? One reason is because their attorneys could not convince the judge about how the detection of "click fraud". And Google does not want to reveal secrets of how the detection algorithm in front of a judge. But one thing, these cases can convince a lot of ex-AdSense users to follow in the footsteps of Aaron.
Posted by yova computer at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: google adsense tips
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Antivirus Support Services: Get help fast anti-virus and spyware removal support
Computer viruses and malware can be deadly and come out of nowhere to spoil your PC's functionality. Every computer with Internet connectivity is at risk of getting infected by a PC threats including Trojans, spyware, adware, key loggers, and the list continues. However, you can take measures against them with the help of an effective anti-virus support programs.

Indeed, if you find your PC running slower than before, you must load the antivirus as soon as possible. Regular hangs are one of the common symptoms of virus infected PCs. For the best anti-virus installation, its configuration and up-Gradation, you can consider taking online computer support.

Remote Assistance is a great tool for handling all such niggling issues. It deals with a comprehensive range of services providing assistance for computer related problems and errors. The best part is that the support is available 24x7. Whether you want anti-virus support, Eliminating computer viruses, troubleshooting PC irksome errors or optimization of the Internet, you can call these computer support technicians online anytime.

With online computer support services, you get the required at the convenience of your home. The complete procedure is called a remote support which is done using remote desktop connection. No matter where you stay, you just need the Internet connection. In case, you do not have the Internet at your premises, you can ask for the support over the phone as well.

The computer support vendors can help you in finding and Eliminating computer viruses, spyware, and other nuisance killing matter your PCs' performance. Technicians offering remote computer support are masters in their profession. They hold profound expertise in their profession. And this emerges as another advantage of availing computer support services that you get your PC repaired under expert's care. Besides, you can consult them for any of your problems regarding computers and technology. Their basic aim is to reduce time-to-repair, and increase reliability and up time.

Online computer support is certainly a better and cheaper option than calling a technician at premises or taking your computer outside for repair. Such technicians charge on per hour basis.

Posted by yova computer at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Renting a Laptop

A laptop is a great machine to have because it can go where you go. With the increase in the number of Wi-Fi hot spots around the world, a person can sit in an airport, a hotel room, a restaurant, and even on the side of the street and access the Internet. This has revolutionized the way people do business and the way they communicate. People have become more efficient because of the laptop and the fact that people can access the Internet from virtually anywhere.

But not everyone needs a laptop all of the time. This may be because they do not travel often. When they use computers, they use desktop computers in their home or office. But when they travel, they may find that they need one. If you need once just a few times per year, it may not be a good idea to spend the money to purchase one. It may be better to just rent one.
Per-use rentals

If you find that you are going out of time a few times per year, then you may find that you just need to rent a laptop a few times per year. You can do this. There are stores out there that will allow you to rent a laptop for your trip. They may have a minimum Renting time of 2 to 4 weeks, but it is worth it when you have business you have to take care of and the amount of money that you could lose would be greater than the amount you spend on the rental.

All you have to do to get your per-use rental is visit the rental store and tell them that you want to do a short term rental. It is also important to keep in mind that they may require a deposit for the short term rental. It is a good idea to compare rental stores to see what the deal is the best deal for you. You can review their terms on short term rentals and make sure it is worth the money you will be paying. Sometimes it is hard to put a price on being able to keep business going when you are on the go.

Long term rentals
Long term rentals are another option that you have when Renting a laptop. If you have difficulty acquiring the credit needed to finance a laptop or you do not have the cash to buy one straight out, a rental may be your answer. You can then rent it until you own it. This is referred to as "rent to own."

When you rent to own, you have several options to acquire ownership. You may given around 90 days to be able to make the purchase at retail price. After the 90 days, a rent to own fee is added to the amount. This fee is going to vary from company to company. It is important that you review the terms of ownership.

Although you may have to pay a rent to own fees, it is important that you Realize that you are not responsible for repairs or even replacement of the item. If something goes wrong and you did not cause the issue, they will make sure it is repaired. If it has to be sent off for repair, the store will provide you with a replacement until your machine comes back. If it can not be repaired, then you are given replacement options.

This means a laptop rental may be exactly what you need. There are many reasons why a person may need to rent a laptop. For those that never thought it to be possible, you now know.
Posted by yova computer at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Renting a Laptop
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Key differences between Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

Adobe Systems is the World leader in Graphic and Web Development software. Many of its products are household names such as Photoshop and Acrobat PDF reader. Most professional graphic designers using programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign on a daily basis. This article will focus on the differences between these three programs.

I think part of the confusion, is that certain tasks can be done in more than one of these programs. For example you can find vector-drawing tools available inside Photoshop and InDesign, even though Illustrator is the predominant vector drawing program. The key to getting the most out of these three programs is to understand what their key functions are and how they can be used together.

Okay so lets look at each program separately. We'll start with Adobe Photoshop, which is probably the best known out of the three. Photoshop is a professional image editing software primarily used for editing bitmap images and image manipulation. Bitmap images are images, which are defined by their pixel structure. In other words digital bitmaps can be broken down into millions of tiny pixels and each pixel has its own attributes. Bitmap images are also referred to as raster images. The most common type of bitmap image is a photographic image. Whether shot on film and scanned into the computer or whether Digitally shot, the photos are made up of millions of tiny pixels. So simply put Photoshop is a tool used to edit photographic images. It also has the ability to do lots of other things but the core function of Photoshop is to edit Photographic images. If you go down to your local newsagent and pick up any magazine, Chances are very good that the images in that magazine would have been edited or altered using Photoshop. Sometimes the adjustments can be minor such as Sharpening or subtle lighting adjustments, and other times they could be major like applying a filter or special effect. Photoshop is used for retouching - Ever wonder why the models and movie stars never have any cellulite or a double chin - the answer is Photoshop. Images can be comprised of several images in the form of a collage. This effect can also be created in Photoshop.

Adobe Illustrator on the other hand is a vector-drawing program. Vector images are the other main type of digital image. Unlike bitmap images, vector images consist of dots which are joined together with lines, each line defined as a mathematical formula. Vectors are very good for creating images, which contain large sections of the same color. So for example a navigation button on your web site, your company logo, or any non-photographic image would be better off as a vector created. Illustrator is the World's premiere of vector drawing tool, so if you were tasked with creating any kind of 'flat' art, such as a corporate profile, including logos, sign work, letterheads etc, Chances are you would use Adobe Illustrator. Adobe InDesign is the newest out of the three programs and is a page layout or publishing program. InDesign is used for putting together stuff like corporate brochures, documents, magazines, newsletters or advertisements. InDesign's specialty is working with documents that contain a large amount of type or text. Often designers will use all three programs on the same project. For example we recently created some new course outlines so we used Illustrator to create our logo and a few other vector graphics, we used Photoshop to apply a special shadow effects to some bitmap images, and finally we imported all those elements from Illustrator and Photoshop into InDesign where we added the copies and defined the layout.

High quality professional design can really enhance a company's professional image. Using Adobe's Creative Suite combined with some professional training can give you the tools to succeed in a competitive World.
Posted by yova computer at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Illustrator and InDesign, Photoshop Key differences between

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