Senin, 17 Agustus 2009


Friday, October 30, 2009

Mistakes Made By Internet Marketers

Writing and publishing articles can be a very effective means of marketing for most businesses. It builds credibility, creates branding, drives traffic, and increases link popularity to your website. Like any other marketing method however, there are effective and ineffective ways to do article marketing.

A key component to making article marketing effective, is making sure the resource box is used effectively. Article directory managers, see a number of mistakes made in resource boxes that have greatly reduced the marketing effectiveness of the article. The good news is that most of these mistakes are very easy to fix.

1. The Links in the Resource Box Are Broken

Many articles that have been submitted to article directories don't have links that work correctly. A huge opportunity for traffic is lost because the link in the resource box sends them to the wrong website. If the reader wants more information after reading the article, they will have no where to go, especially if the artcle is very well written and draws in the reader to want more information.

The most common problem with broken links, is that the linking code isn't formatted correctly. This creates a broken link that usually points to a page that doesn't exist. Many authors leave the 'http://' off of the beginning of the URL, causing the link point to a page like 'http://'.

To avoid this problem, it is crucial to add the 'http://' to the beginning of your link (make into http:// so the link will send visitors to your website when they click on it, and not some non-existant page. If you use article submission software, or a service, carefully review the instructions on how to add links to your resource box so you can avoid creating broken links. If you need to add the links yourself, make sure you understand enough HTML so you can correctly create a link.

2. No Active Links in the Resource Box

Another common problem with articles submitted to directories is that there are no links at all in the resource box. In this case, the author just writes the link to their website without making it an active link. It is just a text listing of their link, such as 'http://' that isn't clickable.

The most common cause of this problem is that the author doesn't realize that many article submission software services do not work the same as email. In most email programs, a link that includes 'http:' will automatically make the link clickable in their email reader.

Most article submission software and services don't follow these same rules. In most cases, the links aren't automatically created, and the author has to create the link themselves. Read the article submission guidelines very carefully to determine what is required to add links to the resource box. If you have to do them yourself, then make sure you know enough HTML to create a clickable (active) link

3. Resource Box Not Related To Article

The resource box of the article serves many purposes. Some of the biggest reasons are to give credibility to the author and to guide the reader to where they can find more information about the subject material of the article they just read.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quotes for Website Content, SEO Articles, Ezine Articles

A professional writing quote should be clear, concise, and informative. The goal is to tell the client exactly what you're going to do for them and how you're going to do it. The more detailed and professional the quote, the better chance you have of nailing the job.

Tip: for maximum effectiveness, make good use of bulleted lists, sub-headers, and a professional logo or header. Here is an example format you might use:

Below you will find specific guidelines a writer should follow when creating a quote for a client. These are guidelines that are unique to each project; others are sometimes interchangeable.

Website Content/Copy:

When preparing a writing quote for a website, bulleted lists are essential. In the quote, include a bulleted list of every page you're going to work on:

--List the names of the pages (home, about, contact, widget makers, how to make a widget, resources for widgets-you get the idea); --The exact number of pages; --If you'll make the content SEO friendly; --How many rounds of edits are included; --Deadlines; --Any other services you'll provide.

SEO Articles:

In quotes for SEO articles, it's essential to determine:

--Approximate word count; --The number of articles; --The keywords they're using; --If you'll be doing the research; --Who'll provide the topics; --What topics the client wants; --Whether you relinquish all republishing rights; --Deadlines; --If you'll be in charge of the article submissions.

When you've determined this information, include it in the quote with all the details. Let your client know if you charge additional fees for article submission and if you have different rates for specific word counts.

Ezine/ Magazine/Website Articles:

These articles, while they include many of the same elements of SEO articles, tend to be longer, more involved, and higher quality than SEO articles. When you're creating a quote an ezine or website article, determine:

--Approximate word count; --Topic (s); --Whether you'll retain republishing rights; --Whether it will be ghostwritten or you'll be credited; --What deadlines you'll have to meet.

Keep in mind that you'll rarely be commissioned to write a magazine article unless you're a known author or an expert in another field. Usually you'll write a query letter, but that's a whole other article.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time non-profit agencies

More than one computer owner has found a way to make money with his or her computer. Back before the creation of the internet, some computer owners were approached about creating printed newsletters.

At that time non-profit agencies were becoming more commonplace, and the public was more aware of the causes touted to such agencies. Many of those agencies wanted to put out newsletters. If you then had a computer, you could make money with your computer.

You can still make money with your computer, but the opportunities have now expanded beyond newsletters. In fact, a lot of companies now send their newsletters by e-mail.

Still, that does not diminish the ways that one can make money with a computer. If you know an aspiring poet or writer, then you might of already found an added way to make money with your computer.

A poet or a writer should have proof that something they wrote has been published. A poet or a writer might be willing to pay you to print up some of what they have written.

If you are good at using all of the tools on the computer, then you might help the aspiring poet or writer to create a small book. They would of course pay you for your services. You could enjoy knowing that you had helped a friend or business associate, while also finding a new way to make money with your computer.

Another way to make money with your computer involves making contact with those who need programs printed. A program can be printed on a computer. Try to keep in touch with city officials or school officials, who might be planning a special event. They might hire you to type up a program for their event.

Maybe you want to use your computer in the same way that a piano teacher uses his piano. You could teach others how to use the computer. If you do not want to do that in your home, then visit some of the local computer stores. Maybe they would be eager to have you as a teacher at some evening class.

You could prepare your lesson at home on your own computer. Then you would teach the lesson using the store's computers.

You and the store would split the fee charged for your class. The store would do all of the advertising. You could enjoy knowing that you had found a new way to make money with your computer.

Maybe during that class you will discover an emerging writer. If so, then you might want to suggest the production of a small book by that emerging writer. You would have tapped into yet another source of money, another source that comes from the use of your computer

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Many Types of Printing Services:- Recognize Its Various Importance

With the hype of business spreading in all parts of the world, printing services have taken the world by sweeps. If you want to begin a business, you have to print your brochure, if you want to publish a book you have to print it in a press, and if you want to do some major printing you have to take the assistance of digital printing to make it a success.

Types of printing services

In today's world, printing services are becoming very popular modes of communications. You can enjoy a variety of printing services that are as follows: § Brochure printing - brochure printing is more popular for phone books, Internet factors, graphic designing and advertising journals. In the brochures, while some companies provide typesetting, color separations, color proofing, designing and proofreading services, the other companies provide basic color printing, folding and shipping. Since brochures are wonderful promotional tools for professionals, so brochure printing has become very important. § Digital printing - digital printing is a direct-to-paper printing process that often runs about one-half of the cost of press printing. Digital printing is a four-color printing process using variety of colors like cyan, magenta, yellow and black, which when mixed creates variety of other colors. § Press printing - through press printing films and plates are produced to add to the overall cost. Press printing involves Pantone Matching System [PMS] that offers great colors and pre-set specifications. Press printing is done on an entire set of rainbow-colored papers. It involves traditional printing methods like die cutting, embossing, and foil stamping.

Importance of professional color printing in today's world

If you want quick success in your business, you should opt for professional color printing procedures. If you are looking forward for professionally printed brochures for your business, then you should specify the type, size and texture of the brochure you need. You should also specify the number of brochures you need and sent a proof of your brochure once it has been printed. When you want to do professional printing, you should advise the printer what you want on your business cards, what designs you should apply for and the number of templates you should offer to your printing professional.

If you are in need of catalogues, then again printing services can help you. You have to select the weight of paper you desire, specify the color of ink, decide whether you want matte or glossy finish and what shipping methods you will prefer.

Other products that you can purchase from professional printing company includes customized stationary postcards, booklets, posters, artwork, greeting cards, calendars, presentation folders, statement stuffers, advertisements, CD covers, bookmarks, note cards, door hangers, rack cards, wedding invitations, flyers, envelopes, and many more items.

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Internet Business, do please browse for more information at our websites.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quantum of information on a particular topic

An Article is a quantum of information on a particular topic mostly intended for free distribution to serve as source of knowledge. However with a slight addition & twist that quantum can also serve as highly targeted advertisement method to your site.

The method has been used with success in offline world. But internet has lately made the articles evolve into a specialty. Easy availability, easy searchability and sheer volume of information make articles unique.

If you are in internet business articles can help you by more than one method.

- They make you expert in eyes of reader. A trust based relation has already been formed by the time are furnishes reading an article.

- When put on your site on they make your site rich in unique content. Your site gets higher ranking in the search engineers and that in turn brings more customers. Any customer who might be looking for information will come to your site and if he is a potential buyer he is more likely to buy from you because you are giving him the required information without any attached string.

- If you sell umbrellas and you also have exhaustive information on your site about umbrellas, you are going to outperform the one who doesn't. It is so because by providing free information you are doing a service and will be put on higher pedestal. - Submitting articles to various directories with your resource box attached will serve as non stop advertisement that aims at specific audience.

- You can use your articles to post in your newsletter. This way your stay connected with your readers and thus perform better than if you do not.

- Articles can help you to carve a niche of your own in ghostwriting business. When writing an article one should take care of writing it well. One must make it interesting so that the reader is not bored. If the article is not well written your aim of writing article is defeated. A better written article studies unique and draws make readership.

To write a good article one has to take care of all the features highlighted in previous articles of this series. The knowledge of subject and command over language are very important aspects.

However because internet articles have become a specialty themselves, there are certain things one must remember while writing articles.

-- An article must provide information that is useful to a reader. It should provide the necessary information even if they he never visits your site.

-- Self-serving links must be in the resource box. Links in the text itself are blatant advertisement and are considered equivalent to spam.

-- The article should not be a sales pitch or advertisement in itself. If you have written a press release it should be submitted to the press release site and not article directory.

-- The article must be in simple, understandable and fluid language. A paragraph should not be more than 3-4 lines. A good article length is between 400-1200 words.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A One Way Backlink to Traffic

Article Marketing - A one way Backlink to Traffic:

Start out by giving a good summary of your article. What you are going to do for your readers. Do your best to keep them interested, Keeping there interest now means they will most likely enjoy whatever you happen to be writing.

Lets take a look at the fundamentals of Article Backlink building. What you need to know, Also how to implement that in your Internet Marketing practices. Actually getting your articles published is the easy part.

It's writing and implementing your articles that can be the tricky part. Once you have a basic idea of what you want to say. Then you can start to create your articles and get in front of your readers.

It's very important not to make your articles look like spam at all. This will turn off the article directory's and those who will find your content useful. Use proper spacing and be clear on what you want to say.

A good short or longer to the point phrase will keep them happy with your content. When they are interested in what your saying, That will bring them to your site. I recommend around 30-100 word summary.

Now give them at least a 300 word article. This is where you want to touch base on what you have promised in your summary. To start put your focuses on 2-10 articles a day until you feel comfortable writing.

You will get better and the words will flow as you go along. Article writing takes practice, Like all things. So stay warmed up and try to write a few articles a day. In no time you will be churning them out.

Article Marketing is a constant process. So try to master it the best that you can. You will improve as you go, So stay to the pace you feel comfortable with.

This is where the magic starts happening. As you begin writing and submitting articles about your site. You will also be making pagerank and one way backlinks to your website.

As your skills grow so will your traffic and expertise in Internet Marketing.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How Ezine Article Submission

Ezine article writing is a proven method of generating traffic to your site. No hype here, it works, and it works well. After reading your interesting article, the reader clicks on your link in the last paragraph to learn more. Every article I have read about Ezine article writing has been quite honest in stating that Ezine is a proven traffic generator, but that it requires work. That is does. If you are a newbie, this article has information that will get you off to the right start. If you are an experienced article writer, let us review the steps to see why the process requires so much work, and what we can do to lessen the time required.

The first step is to write an interesting article on a particular subject. The article should be over 500 words, as that is a requirement of most submittal sites. Be sure to read the Submittal Guidelines of each site before submitting your article.

Next comes the preparation of a list of sites to submit your article. The person who said "easier said than done" must have been an Ezine article writer! The accepted guideline is to submit your article to at least 100 sites, but the more the better. Using Internet sources I made a list of 100 sites, but as I checked them out the list was suddenly reduced to 25. Some sites were no longer in operation, some were simply not article submit sites, others were subject specific, not applicable to my subject, and other problems. Eventually, from a list of around 300, I finally compiled my initial list of 100 sites to submit my article. This was a time consuming task.

Next comes the submitting of your article to various article sites. This is pretty straightforward. Visiting a site for the first time will require becoming a member. This involves filling out a short information form, perhaps submitting a photo, and then activating your account from the authorization sent to your listed e-mail address. Subsequent logins to the site are much faster as one can go directly to Member Sign In and then to Submit Articles. Now it is time to submit your article. Select a Category then cut and paste each element of your article from your word processor to the data input form on the site. Cut and paste the Title, Summary, Body, Resource Box, Bio info, and Keywords into the form on the site. Sounds easy, it is easy, but again a tedious time consuming process.

Recognizing this as a very real problem, a number of innovative companies have come up with tools to lessen the time required to submit an article. No, I am not talking about Robot systems that are frowned upon. In fact, even if such systems were allowed would you really want the article that you worked so hard on, submitted without seeing that it was done properly?

This is where the article submitter program comes into play. These programs allow you to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories and can save you an incredible amount of time in doing so. You simply enter your article details into the software once, and then select the directory you would like to submit to. The software will then, automatically fill in all of the submission criteria for each directory and allow you to quickly submit your articles.

Try one of these programs, and take advantage of one of the easiest ways to submit articles and generate traffic to your website. Stop wasting time on list building and cutting and pasting.

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Internet Business, do please browse for more information at our websites.

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