Senin, 27 September 2010

united states

United States (abbreviated U.S.) or (English: United States of America - USA or the United States - U.S.) is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. Except Alaska (northern Canada) & Hawaii (Pacific Ocean), 48 other states and the federal district located in North America.

United States borders with Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and with Canada in the north and northwest (Alaska exclave). In the west the country borders the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. In addition there are many areas and colonies in many parts of the world such as Hawaii, which is a state, and the other areas such as Puerto Rico, Guam, etc. are included in the commonwealth.

America is made up of 13 former British colonies freed themselves on July 4, 1776. After that America expands massively, bought Louisiana from the French regions and Alaska from Russia and the annexed areas of Mexico that is New Mexico, Texas, and California) after the Mexican-American War.

America is a country with the fourth largest region in the world, after Russia, Canada, and China & the third largest in population, after China and India. But when viewed in economic terms, America is number one in the world, covering about a quarter to a third of total world economic output.

Model of democracy presidential administration, followed by countries other Latin American.

* 1 History
* 2 Politics
* State 3
* 4 Geography
* 5 Economy
* 6 Education
* 7 Demographics
o 7.1 Religion
* 8 Culture
8.1 o federal holidays
* 9 See also
* 10 External links
10.1 o government official site
o 10.2 Other

[edit] History
! Main article: History of the United States

United States is made up of 13 former British colonies after the American Revolution after the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. At its origin, its political structure was a confederation. But after a long debate and the formation of the American Constitution, the colony was finally agreed to form alliance countries.

In the 19th century, U.S. forces spread throughout the continent of North America. Through coercion, military force and diplomacy, the United States have many states, other states within and outside the country such as Cuba and the Philippines. Even so, this country experienced the worst social problems. In an effort to develop the area of white rule, the native Indians have been victimized. Through military force, destruction, removal and construction of the reservation area, the native Indians had been removed. In the south, there is a system of slavery with the blacks as second-class citizens. Discrimination against the color is one of the causes of civil war between the state of the states of North and South. Although the system of slavery had been abolished after the defeat of the countries of the South, racism is rampant that continues to the mid-20th century.

During this era, this country move forward into an industrial world ruler, who continues so to the 20th century, known as the American Century glory or the American Century. In this century, the expanding American influence in the international arena and become the center of technological innovation as well as Best in the world when it was. Some donations technology including telephone, television, computers, Internet, nuclear weapons, airplanes and space travel.

This country has suffered some bitter experiences such as the American Civil War (1861-1865) and the bad economic collapse during "Great Depression" (1929-1939) who not only hit the United States in fact almost the entire world. Recent experience is the most pathetic 9 / 11 attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center, New York, where nearly three thousand people killed by terrorist attacks.

In terms of history, this country has been involved in several major world wars, the War of 1812 against England, and also with berpakta England during World War I and World War II. In the 1960s the American involvement in the Cold War against another great power and influence of Soviet communism. In an effort to stem the spread of communism in Asia, the United States in the Korean War, Vietnam and the last in Afghanistan. After the Soviet collapse and fragmentation, the U.S. got into an economic power and the strongest military in the world. During the 1990s, the U.S. enthrone himself as the world police and army action in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, and the First Gulf War against Iraq that invaded Kuwait. Following the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the United States launched a counterattack against Afghanistan and the Taliban in the country dropped there and in 2003 launched the Second Gulf War against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein's regime.
[edit] Politics
! Main article for this section are: Politics in the United States

United States is a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system and a free judiciary institutions. There are three ranks of the national, state and local governments have legislative and executive bodies in the field of power each. These countries use the system of federalism in the community or in countries where the central and state governments share power. Central state power for a few cases such as the printing of U.S. currency and defense policy. However, the states power to determine rights and laws of each such as abortion rights and a maximum penalty of a baby in terms of legislation.

One element that is evident in the American division of powers doctrine. Article 1 to 3 U.S. Constitution, has been outlined in detail on the powers of the major countries of the executive, legislative and judicial. Checks and Balances or checks and balances is a major feature of American countries and it is so comprehensive that no one branch of a country that has absolute power to oversee the other branches.

In this country all people aged 18 years and over have the right to choose. Elections for the presidential elections held every four years and the last was in November 2004.

In addition to the presidential elections, there were midterm election, held in mid term as president. In this election the president is not elected, but all members of the House of Representatives and one third of all senators from each state. This election was last held on 7 November 2006.
[edit] State
Geographical map of the United States
! Main article for this section are: States United States

As the United States declared independence, the thirteen colonies became states-states. At first the state of these states joined as an alliance but later formed a unified state. In the following years, the number of states increases with the entry-state in the western states, the purchase of land and the state split the states that already exists. Each state is divided to the counties (such districts), cities (a kind of autonomous municipalities or cities) and townships (such districts).

The United States also has a federal district, Washington, DC, and the colonies such as Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

In addition to the state, one federal district, and some areas that could be called a colony.
v • b • s
Subdivisions of the United States

Alabama · · Alaska Arizona Arkansas · · California · South Carolina · North Carolina · Colorado · Connecticut · South Dakota North Dakota · · Delaware · Florida · Georgia · Hawaii · · Idaho Illinois Indiana · · Iowa · Kansas · · Kentucky Louisiana Maine · · · Maryland Massachusetts Michigan · · Minnesota · · Missouri Mississippi Montana · · Nebraska · Nevada • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York · Ohio · Oklahoma · · Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island · · Tennessee · Texas · · Utah Virginia Vermont · · · Washington West Virginia Wisconsin · · Wyoming
Coat of arms of the United States
Federal District of Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia)
Insular areas

· American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands · · Puerto Rico Virgin Islands ·
Outer islands

· Baker Island Howland Island Jarvis Island · · · Johnston Atoll Kingman Reef Midway Atoll · · · Navassa Island Palmyra Atoll Wake Island ·
[edit] Geography
! Main article for this section are: Geography of the United States

United States is the largest country in the world 3. Geographical situation is very different.

* There meadow East Coast,
* Appalachian Mountains
* Great Plains in the middle of this country,
* The Mississippi-Missouri,
* The Rocky Mountains in the west

The climate is different according to geographical conditions, from tropical (hot and dry in summer, warm in winter) in Florida to tundra (cold throughout the year) in Alaska. Most of this country has warm summers and cold winters. Some U.S. states, like California, has a Mediterranean climate.
[edit] Economy
! Main article for this section are: Economics United States

U.S. running a capitalist economic system. This country's economic growth on the surface of solid, low unemployment and inflation, and lower trade deficit (meaning the U.S. bought more goods from other countries rather than sold).

The U.S. economy is one of the most important in the world. Many countries have made the U.S. dollar as its currency measure, whether or not that is worth their currency is determined by the dollar. Some countries use the dollar as their currency. U.S. stock market was viewed as an indicator of world economy.

These countries have many mineral resources, like gold, oil, coal and uranium deposits. Agriculture makes this country are among the major producers, among others, maize, wheat, sugar and tobacco. U.S. production of cars, aircraft and electronic items. Approximately 3 / 4 of the U.S. population worked in service industries.

U.S. trading partners are:

* Canada
* Mexico
* European
* Asian industrial countries like Japan, Taiwan, India, South Korea and China.

Distance social structure of the United States, means that some Americans are rich enough. Even though there are also people who live below the poverty line. 51% of all households have a computer and 41% have Internet access in 2000, a figure that has grown to 75% in 2004. Furthermore, 67.9% of the population own their own home in 2002. American residents per capita income $ 37,000 a year in 2002.
[edit] Education

American public education is operated by the state and local governments, regulated by the United States Department of Education through restrictions on federal funds. The children in most countries are required to attend school from age six or seven (generally, kindergarten or first grade) until they turn eighteen (generally bringing them through twelfth grade, the end of high school); some States allow students to left school at sixteen or seventeen. Approximately 12% of children enrolled in parochial or nonsectarian private schools. Only about 2% of the children who learn at home. United States has a lot of private institutions and public higher education is competitive, and the local community college with an open policy. Of the American population over the age of twenty-five years, approximately 84.6% graduated from high school, 52.6% of them go to several universities, and approximately 27.2% obtained a degree, and 9.6% earn a bachelor's degree. Almost all the American people do not have an illiterate reach about 99% of the total. The United Nations gave the United States an Education index 0.97, which ranked 12th in the world.
[edit] Demographics
! Main article for this section: Demographics of the United States

Most of the population in the U.S. are descendants of European immigrants. Many people are descended from Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Italy.

In recent years, many Hispanics come from Mexico and other parts of Latin America, especially to the U.S. southwest. Many of those who crossed the border illegally. Some Americans felt hot, and also because of the use of Spanish in the United States (see Languages in the United States).

Many African-Americans. Most of them are descended from African slaves brought to the New World.

A third of the U.S. population is Asian-Americans. Most inhabit the west coast.

Original inhabitants, called Native Americans or Indians and Eskimos very little.
[edit] Religion

The number of Christians in the United States continues to decline. 86.2% call themselves Christian in 1990 and 76.5% call themselves Christian in 2001 (ARIS 2001). Members of religious Protestants in 2001 was 52%, Catholic 24.5%, 13.2% no, Judaism 1.3% and 0,5-0,3% Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, Hindu and Unitarian Universalist. There is a big difference between those who embrace a religion and those who are members of the religious places. Census Bureau figures (PDF file) shows that the membership of places of worship in 2004 was 33% Protestant, Roman Catholic 19%, 4% 44% Jewish and other religions.
[edit] Culture
! Main article for this section are: United States Culture

The level of classified U.S. culture forward. This was proven with the progress of technology. United States with his friend the country Russia is a country that is a pioneer in the investigation and exploration of outer space, besides the United States is also an expert in the field of advanced weaponry.

In the field of modern literature, the United States has Ernest Hemingway, who had won the Nobel Prize in 1954.
[edit] Day a federal holiday
Name Date Notes
January 1 New Year's Day commemoration of the beginning of the year.
January, Monday the 3rd day Martin Luther King, Jr.. Honoring Dr. King, human rights leaders.
February, Monday the 3rd Day Honoring former President of U.S. presidents, especially Washington and Lincoln.
May, last Monday Memorial Day Honoring military men who died in duty.
July 4 Independence Day Celebrates Declaration of Independence; commonly called "The Fourth of July".
September, first Monday Labor Day Celebrates achievements of workers, and marks the traditional end of summer.
October, second Monday of Columbus Day Honoring Christopher Columbus, discoverer of America.
Veterans Day 11 November the traditional observation of the moment of silence at 11:00 hours commemorate those who fought for peace
November, Thursday 4th Thanksgiving Give thanks for autumn harvest, and marks the traditional beginning of "holiday season".
December 25 Christmas Day commemoration of the birth of Jesus, and is also celebrated as the winter holidays.

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