Sabtu, 07 November 2009



Scouts, or often also called scout or scout (b. England: Scouting) is a youth movement that has penetrated into the whole world. Scouting movement consisting of various youth organizations, in both men and women, which aims to train the physical, mental and spiritual health of the participants and encourage them to do positive activities in the community. This objective is achieved through training programs and non-formal education which prioritizes scouting practical activities in the field. Currently, there are more than 38 million members of the Boy Scouts from 217 countries and territories.

Birth Scout Movement

This movement began in 1907 when Robert Baden-Powell, a lieutenant general of the British armed forces highway, and William Alexander Smith, founder of the Boy's Brigade, held the first scout camp on Brownsea island, England.

The idea to hold the movement came when Baden-Powell and his men struggled to maintain the city of Mafeking, South Africa, the Boer army attacks. At that time, his army defeated the Boer armies compared. To outsmart, a group of young men formed and trained to become volunteer soldiers. Their main task is to help the military defend the city. They get the tasks mild but important, for example delivering a message that Baden-Powell was given to all members of the military in the city. It may be their job well done, so Baden-Powell's forces can defend the city of Mafeking during the several months. In recognition of the success they get, every member of the volunteer army was given a badge. Picture of the badge is then used as the logo of the international Scouting movement.

The success of Baden-Powell Mafeking made defending the city is considered to be a hero. He later wrote a book called Aids to Scouting (written in 1899), and became the best-selling book at that time.

In 1906, Ernest Thompson Seton Baden-Powell sent a book of his work called The Birchbark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians. Seton, a British-Canadian descent living in the United States, often meeting with Baden-Powell and plan of a youth movement.

Meeting with Seton was encouraged to re-write his book, Aids to Scouting, with a new version, entitled Boy's Patrols. The book is intended as a guide for youth scouting at the time. Then, to test his ideas, he held a camp for 21 young people from various walks of life for a whole week, starting on August 1, Brownsea island, England. Method organization (now known as the patrol system patrol system or in English) became the key to scout training he was doing. This system requires the youth to form small groups, then pointing to one of them to become chairman of the group.

After her book was published and camp behind the success, Baden-Powell went on a tour planned by Arthur Pearson to promote his ideas to the whole of England. From these ideas, was made a book called Scouting For Boys, which is currently known as the scouting handbook (Boy Scout Handbook) first edition.

When Baden-Powell was expecting the book to give new ideas for some oraganisasi existing youth. But what happens, some boys spontaneously formed a new organization and asked Baden-Powell became their mentor. He agreed and began to encourage them to learn and practice and develop their organization was founded.

Along with the growing number of members, Baden-Powell led them increasingly difficult, it will need an assistant to help him. Therefore, he planned to establish a leadership training center for adults (Adult Leadership Training Center). In 1919, a park near London purchased as a training location. He also wrote a new book called Aids to Scoutmastership and several other books which he collected and put together in a book called Roverinng to Success for Rover Scouts in 1922.


A. History of Indonesian Scout Movement

The fact history shows that Indonesian youth have a major stake in the struggle for Indonesian independence movement and education and the development of a national scouting Indonesia. In the development of education seemed to any scouting drive and passion to unite, but there are symptoms of the Diversity organization.

Scouting organizations in Indonesia was initiated by the branch "Nederlandse Organisatie Padvinders" (NPO) in 1912, which at the time of the outbreak of World War I has Kwartir [[of his own and later renamed "Nederlands-Indische Vereeniging Padvinders" (NIPV) in 1916.

Scouting organizations initiated by the Indonesian people is Javaanse Padvinders Organisatie; stand on the initiative of SP Mangkunegara VII in 1916.

The fact that it was scouting senapas with the national movement, as mentioned above can be seen in the "Padvinder Muhammadiyah" which in 1920 renamed "Hisbul Wathon" (HW); "Nationale Padvinderij" founded by Budi Utomo; Syarikat Islam founded the "Syarikat Padvinderij Cambodgien Islam "which later changed to" Islamic States Cambodgien Pandu "and better known as SIAP, Islamietishe Padvinderij Nationale (NATIPIJ) was established by Bond Islamieten Jong (JIB) and Engels Padvinders Nationale Organisatie (inpo) was established by the Indonesian Youth.

United desire for scouting organizations that time Indonesia was started with the formation of PAPI is "Fraternity between Pandu Indonesia" is a federation of National Scout, inpo, SIAP, and PPS NATIPIJ on May 23, 1928.

The federation does not last long, because the intention of the fusion, resulting in the 1930 National Scout stands Indonesia (KBI) which was pioneered by the leaders of Jong Java Padvinders / Pandu Kebangsaan (JJP / PK), inpo and PPS (JJP-Jong Java Padvinderij); PK-Pandu Kebangsaan).

PAPI later evolved into the Central Bureau Scout Brotherhood Indonesia (BPPKI) in April 1938.

Between 1928-1935 Indonesia bermuncullah good scouting movement is the main breathing nationality or religion breathing. scouting the nation can breathe noted Pandu Indonesia (PI), Organisatie Padvinders Pasundan (POP), Pandu Sultanate (PK), Sinar Pandu We (PRSP) and Scout Rakyat Indonesia (KRI). Religion alive while Pandu Ansor, Al Wathoni, Hizbul Wathon, Scout Islam Indonesia (kft), Islamitische Padvinders Organisatie (IPO), Tri Darma (Christian), Principles of Catholic Scout Indonesia (LEG), Scout AD Indonesia (KMI).

In an effort to foster unity and unity, the National Center for Scout Brotherhood Indonesia BPPKI plan "All Indonesian Jamboree". These plans have been several changes both in time and name of the implementation of activities, which then agreed replaced with the "Scout Camp Indonesia Oemoem" PERKINO shortened and held on 19-23 July 1941 in Yogyakarta.

B. Period Dai Nippon Army
"Dai Nippon"! That is the name used to refer to Japan at that time. During World War II, Japanese troops made the attack and the Dutch left Indonesia. Party and the Indonesian people's organizations, including the scouting movement, banned standing. But efforts to organize PERKINO II remain to be done. Not only that, the scouting spirit burning in the chest of a anggotanya.Karena Scout organizations that achieve a high menjungjung therefore persatuan.Oleh Japanese nation does not allow Scouting was born on earth remains earth.

C. Period of the Republic of Indonesia
A month after the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, some scouting leaders gathered in Yogyakarta and agreed to form a unity Scout Committee of Indonesia as a working committee, showing the formation of a scouting organization container for the entire Indonesian nation and the Congress of Unity held immediately Scout Indonesia.
Congress intended, held on 27-29 December 1945 in Surakarta with the formation of the People Pandu Indonesia. This association is supported by all the leadership and character and strengthened by the "Association of Sakti Promise", and the government of Indonesia recognized as the only scouting organization established by decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.93/Bag. A, dated February 1, 1947.
Difficult years faced by Pandu Rakyat Indonesia for the Dutch attack. Even on the anniversary of independence August 17, 1948 when a bonfire was held in the courtyard of East Pegangsaan 56, Jakarta, Netherlands weapons threatened and forced Soeprapto to God, died as a Scout, as a patriot who proved his love for country, homeland and nation. In the Dutch-occupied areas, Pandu People's forbidden to stand,. This situation encouraged the establishment of other associations such as the Scout Putera Indonesia (KPI), Pandu Puteri Indonesia (PPI), Scout Indonesia Muda (KIM).
Period of armed struggle to defend the beloved country is also dedicated to the members of the scouting movement in Indonesia, then ended the period of armed struggle for independence mempertahakan enforce and that, at this time Rakyat Indonesia Pandu Second Congress held in Yogyakarta on 20-22 January 1950.
Congress, among others, decided to accept the new conception, which gives the opportunity for special classes for former menghidupakan back of each organization and opened an opportunity that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia is no longer the only scouting organization in Indonesia with the decision of the Minister of PP and K number 2344 / Kab. dated 6 September 1951 dicabutlah government's recognition that the Scout Rakyat Indonesia is the only container scouting in Indonesia, so the decision 93/Bag number. A dated February 1, 1947 it was over.
Maybe a bit strange too, if direnungi, for ten days after the decision of the Minister No. 2334/Kab. it out, then the representatives of the organization scouting Why konfersensi action in Jakarta. At the time this is exactly dated 16 September 1951 decided upon the establishment of Indonesian Scout Association (IPINDO) as a federation.

In 1953 became member Ipindo scouting worldwide
Ipindo a federation for sons scouting organizations, while for the organization, there are two federations daughter of PKPI (Scout Association of Puteri Indonesia) and POPPINDO (Persatuan Pandu Puteri Indonesia Organization). Both the federation together ever welcoming haven Lady Baden-Powell to Indonesia, on the way to Australia.
In commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the 10th National Jamboree held Ipindo, located in Ragunan, Sunday Market on 10-20 August 1955, Jakarta.
As a container implementing Ipindo scouting activities need to hold seminars in order to image an effort to ensure the purity and preservation of life scouting. This seminar was held at the Tugu, Bogor in January 1957.
This monument Seminar produce a formula that is expected to be used as a reference for every scouting movement in Indonesia. It is expected to be pramukaan are united. A year later in the month of November was 1958, the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Department of the PP and K held a seminar on Ciloto, Bogor, West Java, with the topic "Penasionalan Scout".
If Jamboree for son held in Ragunan, Jakarta Sunday Market, the camp held a large PKPI to daughter called Semanggi Village located in Ciputat. Semanggi Village was accomplished in 1959. In this year also send a contingent to Ipindo World Jamboree in MT. Makiling Philippines.
Well, the days and times before the birth of the Scout Movement.

D. Scouting Birth
Scouting movement was born in 1961, so if you would listen to the background of the birth of Scout Movement, one needs to assess the situation, events, and events around the year 1960.
From the expressions that have been presented before we see that the number of scouting associations in Indonesia at that time very much. The amount was not sepandan with the number of all members of the association.
Regulations arising during this pioneering the MPRS No. II/MPRS/1960, dated December 3, 1960 on the National development plans Planning Universe. In this ordinance can be found in Article 330. C. which states that basic education in the field scouting is the Pancasila. Beyond control of the scout (Article 741) and education to be intensified and scouting approve the Government plans to set up a Scout (Article 349 Paragraph 30). Then the Scouts to be released from the remnants of Lord Baden Powellisme (Appendix C Section 8).
Statutes that give the Government the obligation to carry it out. That's why Pesiden / Mandatory MPR on March 9, 1961 collecting figures and leaders of scouting movement of Indonesia, held at the State Palace. On Thursday evening that President revealed that Scouts who have had to update, methods and educational activities should be replaced, the entire existing scouting organizations merged into one called the Boy Scouts. The President also appointed a committee consisting of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the Minister of P and K Prof. Prijono, Minister of Agriculture Dr.A. Azis Saleh and the Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Community Development Village, Achmadi. This committee would have needed something ratification. And then terbitlah Presidential Decree No.112 of 1961 dated 5 April 1961, the Executive Committee Formation Assistant Scout Movement with the composition of membership as called by the President on March 9, 1961.
There is a difference as a committee or task of the President's speech by President's Decree.
Still in the month of April was also, out Presidential Decree No. 121 Year 1961 on 11 April 1961 concerning Establishment Committee Scout Movement. Members of this committee consists of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof.. Prijono, Dr. A. Azis Saleh, Achmadi and Muljadi Djojo Martono (Minister of Social Affairs).
This committee is then processed Scout Movement Statutes, as Appendix Presidential Decree No. 238 Year 1961, dated May 20, 1961 about the Scout Movement.

E. Birth Scout Movement
Scout Movement is marked by a series of interrelated events, namely:
1. Speech President / Mandatory MPR before the figures and leaders representing scouting organization listed in Indonesia on March 9, 1961 at the State Palace. This event is then known as TUNAS DAY BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT
• issuance of Presidential Decree No. 238 Year 1961, dated May 20, 1961, of the Scout Movement which set the Scout Movement as the only scouting organization that assigned scouting education for children and youth of Indonesia, and ratified the Articles of Association Scouts movement which is used as a guide, instructions and the handle for the Scout Movement manager in doing his job. Date is May 20; National Awakening Day, but for the Scout Movement has a special meaning and is a milestone for environmental education in the third. This event is then described as BEGINNING DAYS OF WORK.
• The scouting organization representatives in Indonesia who willingly immerse themselves into the Scout Movement organization, conducted at the Senayan Sports Palace on July 30, 1961. This event is later known as IKRAR DAY BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT.
2. Mapinas inauguration, Kwarnas and Kwarnari at the State Palace, followed by a procession Scouts to be introduced to people who preceded the granting of Panji-Panji Scout Movement, and this all occurred on the date of August 14, 1961. This event is later known as BOY SCOUT DAY.
F. Scouting Introduced
Speech by the President on March 9, 1961 was also outlined to the Proclamation of Independence memorial Scout Movement has been there and known by the public. Therefore, RI President's Decree No.238 of 1961 is necessary to support the board and its members.
According to the Statutes Scout Movement, led this organization is held by the National Leadership Council (MAPINAS) that contains the National Kwartir Scout Movement and the National Kwartir Daily.
Central Executive Board is composed by symbolically taking the sacred number 17-8-'45, which is composed of 45 members Mapinas of whom sat in Kwarnas in 17 men and 8 people Kwarnasri.
However, in its realization as such in the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No.447 Year 1961, dated August 14, 1961 the total membership to 70 people Mapinas with details of the 70 members were among 17 people as members and 8 people Kwarnas among members of this Kwarnas Kwarnari members.
Chaired by Dr. Mapinas. Ir. Sukarno, President of the Republic of Indonesia with the Vice Chairman of I, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Vice Chairman II Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh.
Meanwhile, in Kwarnas, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX Chairman and Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh as Vice Chairman Chairman Kwarnari.
Scouting was officially introduced to all the people of Indonesia on August 14, 1961 not only in the capital Jakarta, but also in an important place in Indonesia. In Jakarta, some 10,000 members of the Scout Movement which held the Big Apple is followed by the development march and procession in front of the President and around Jakarta.
Before the parade activities / procession, the President inaugurated a member Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari, in state court, and delivered the token gift and honor of the National Scout Movement Panji Indonesia (Presidential Decree No.448 of 1961) which Kwartir diterimakan to the National Chairman, Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX just before the parade / procession begins.
Events introduction date of August 14, 1961 was then performed as a BOY SCOUT DAY commemorated each year by all levels and members of the Scout Movement.


Scout Movement is the name of the organization is a scouting vessel educational process conducted in Indonesia.
Scouting organizations in Indonesia was initiated by the branch "Nederlandse Organisatie Padvinders" (NPO) in 1912, which at the time of the outbreak of World War I had a big Kwartir own and later renamed "Nederlands-Indische Vereeniging Padvinders" (NIPV) in the year 1916 Events introduction date of August 14, 1961 was then performed as a BOY SCOUT DAY commemorated each year by all levels and members of the Scout Movement.

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B.sunda speech

Syukrillah wa Alhamdulillah wa 'ala ni'matillah, anu ieu dina dinten my dimulyakeun Alloh SWT, sadaya urang Manten parantos dikersakeun-na ku tiasa kempel ngariung ieu pamaksadan dina, dina raraga nyambungkeun tatali Hospitality salaku urang antawis papada Muslims. Atuh kalihna ti eta, tea history ngariung urang nyakséni kalayan Du'a ngadorong kana ku anu dipimaksad naon my Rupi sohibul makosid sakulawargi.

Sinareng greetings Solawat mugi dikocorkeun mugi-ka jungjunan urang sadaya, habibana wa nabiyana, Kangjeng Prophet Muhammad, kalayan mugi-ka teu dikocorkeun mugi kulawargina, the sohabatna ka, ka Tabi'in sadaya urang tabi'atna kalebet Muslims kaom kana tumut anu ajaranana . Sadaya urang Pamugi anu kalebet people kénging intercede in yaumil late. Amen.
geni_bara: kalih Father Mother, audience sim palawargi hormateun scabby!

Ti Langkung nuhun payun ngahaturkeun réwu anu ka panata event parantos maparin waktos ka sim scabby kanggo cumarios ieu dina pasamoan.

Hatur sewu utamina kasanggakeun nuhun pangersa Father ka Wiguna sakulawargi Literature parantos ngangken anu ka sim kalayan nampi scabby sinareng entourage, my panampian anu kalintang nyugemakeunana. Nyuhun Abot Abot Abot narimakeunana bear. Teu aya anu tiasa dipisanggem ti iwal ka seja menekung Nu Spirit, mugi ngamugi-ka Gusti Nu Maha Suci, Father pamugi Literature rupining kasaéan Wiguna sakulawargi pious charity sing-so janten my dipirido Alloh SWT. Amen.
geni_bara: miwah Father's mother, the audience scabby palawargi hormateun sim, my kauninga anu sakumaha urang sadaya, any child wiréhna Tata dongkapna Cep diwuwuh ka dieu me parasepuh, wargi-duriung my wargi, my dijajap blond blond-pidu'a, Sanes putrid kantenan tambuh behavior without léntang beja Sanes. Nanging aya nu kolbu intended purpose, aya anu maksad manah diseja. Wiréhna kapungkur sabadana any child, Cep Tata, was first patepang sareng anu Neng Titi, rupina ngaraos kapetik love romance kapentang liver. Neng Bubuhan apan sakitu sieupna Titi. Saur interpreter geulisna mah rhymes bring ngajadi éndahna take it square. Hade Dedeg sampe way. Gadona Endog sapotong, beungeutna ngadaun seureuh, irungna kuwungkuwungan, tarangna sratumarga mentrangan. Diteuteup ti ti hareup sieup disawang builders lenjang. Tata Cep saupami Pantes terrace kag
geni_bara: agémbang kapéngpéongan. My kaleresan atuh diwuwuh Naek keusik stone down, it purun daék ieu, Pasini dugi Jangji ka hoyong cacap jatukrami.
geni_bara: danget Dina ieu, Tata Tea rupina Cep maheutkeun Jangji pasinina history, purpose hoyong mungkas noisy nature lalagasan, ngancik in nature rimbitan, teteg jejem rek ka muru Balé nyungcung, rido ti aya manawi Gusti Nu Spirit.

Dina ieu kasempetan, wargi my kalayan kasakséni-wargi, also my diwuwuh the elderly, seja sim nyanggakeun scabby and child, Cep Tata, Titi Neng ka Ramana, Father pangersana Wiguna kanggo ditikahkeun Literature danget dina ieu.
geni_bara: Father ka Atuh W iguna Sarimbit Literature, Neng ka hususna Titi, danget ieu ti sareng Mother Father nyanggakeun Cep salaku sepuhna Tata, does the noble sausap hair handap sahibas dampal ti, ti tina pangkonan center. Nyanggakeun rambutna salambar, getihna satétés, ambekanana sadami. Saujung noble Nyanggakeun ketu ti, ti handap saujung sapatu, the so-tengahna kitu, sawaktos-waktos anu jiga surutu tomorrow.

Eta ti Kalihna, Cep Tata Tea dongkapna ka dieu éstuning henteu jangjang henteu Jingjing. Could we saurna ieu nu dibantun tea may sarupi, nyaéta nu ngaringkuk kawas kuuk, kawas marmot bosongot nu, nu ngaréngkol osok wet.
geni_bara: Tata Cep Numawi terrace ngaréka sisindiran:

Nyorang Kareta rise

advanced ka jalanna south.

(Wios) Cep Tata cacandakan teu,

ethane bedegul origin.

Tata Cep Saur, eta nu hoe bedegul Doran lir ngukuntit tos ti tea aalit, dicacandak ti bubudak, nanging ESTU digolangkeun teu acan linings. Bubuhan dipake pamikul bengkung, dianggo pangérét bingkeng, hurung teu dianggo tihul. Dibantun terrace we Numawi ka dieu. Dieu Manawi in my house Neng tiasa dimangpaatkeun Titi, nyiptakeun kabagjaan Geusan dianggo inner and outer. So male rabbi pamatri dina compassion sagara ngambah households.
geni_bara: Father kalih mother, the audience sim palawargi hormateun scabby!

Ieu Sateuacanna nampi kana pamaksadan, my pamugi Neng kauninga utamina Titi, Tata Tea Cep wiréhna may salirana wungkul sublime tall. Judging tina Hartana harti sareng harti deserted house tuna éstuning treasure, my emptiness kaweruh. Tina rigigna atuh judging students rigig Sanes, tina dirérét Father légégna lebe légég Sanes, still keneh meryogikeun pangatik did the pangdidik sareng sepuhna, instead tiasa ngawangun mandar household dipiharep vegas anu ku sakumaha urang sadaya.
geni_bara: Father Mother kalih, scabby sareng dongkapna group sim ka ieu katingalna tea house where ngaleut ngeungkeuy ngabandaleut ngembat-ngembat nyatang nut. Nanging ngaleut tea tanggeuyan my henteu leubeut, Rebo ngembat my tea cacandakan teu. Ngabringna henteu rimbil my jingjingan. Éstuning keupat eundang ngadaleungdang, indit sirib ngaligincing. Eta cenah nu aya kajingjing sakedik, kabantun bari ngalangkung, grief naon. Grief grief sapésér Artos sacewir Kaen. Eta mah wae haturan Neng kanggo Titi, extra isin ngaligincing.

Behavior Minangka ka pangjajap Cep pangjurung sareng Neng Tata Titi, a pair hidep sekar mangrupi tea was first bloom mangkakna pinuh anu ku harepan. Beber screen drag anchor, lalagasan prey ngarancana mungkas, sapuk rek ka muru Balé nyungcung
geni_bara: Mugi-pamaksadan hidep mugi pair tiasa tinekanan sing. Sing teteg henteu galideur dina nyorang paneka households.

Sabada diwalimahan, mugi-hidep mugi pair sing tiasa ngawangun nu household ngarunggunuk kawas hamlet, ngarandakah kawas manjah, ngaréndékéh kawas lemongrass. Sing tengtrem kutaraharja calm. Coherent expression sauyunan, sareundeuk saigel Sabata sarimbagan sabobot sapihanéan. Ka ka cai so saleuwi land so salebak. Ka cai shower sing diligent, industrious sing ka solat land. Tiasa Sing kadeudeuh my simbeuh penance, reparation kojayan my kanyaah, mupusti sense titih moan kaasih, tebih tina tina anggang Hiri pacéngkadan envy. Sing away salingkuh tina, guyub along sauyunan, household ngawangun nu wa mawadah Rohmah vegas.
geni_bara: Father miwah mother, the audience scabby palawargi hormateun sim, sim rupina scabby pisanggem urang cekapkeun sakitu wae. Mugi great enough grime, somebody hapuntenna Jembar diteda, bilih langkung bahe carék Saur. Bilih aya ti budi anu TEPIS kajingjing wiring, base padésaan anu ti kacandak. Nu aya Bilih heart kabadug manah kagedag, kabentur Tuur kabéntar taar, kababuk punduk kapangkék armrest, kaciwit imbit katajong tonggong sareng bobokong. Hapuntenna anu kasuhun.

Pamungkas pisanggem, Hatur sewu sanéskawis nuhun perhatosanana kana.

Wal taufik Wabillahi guidance. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Posted by yova computer at 20:25
Label: speech sunda

Devollopment PHP

PHP as a language: PHP is an open-source general-purpose scripting language that is particularly suited for Web development and can be entrenched into HTML. Being a strong, server-side language it provides a great deal of functionality. PHP has become very renowned and there is a huge demand of the same for its varied usability on the web.

How does it actually help you in your IT related task?

PDF and MySQL: It is highly interactive and enables you to generate easy PDF documents. PHP has been used more and more with My SQL - a very trendy, widely available, command-driven relational database query language - to generate useful and powerful web applications, such as search engines and random fact generators. What technology is used to support PHP for obtaining maximum benefit from it?

Generally the PHP Development services mostly benefits from LAMP (Linux operating system; Apache Web server; My SQL database management system or database server; Perl, PHP, Python scripting/programming languages).

What are the industries that are benefitted from PHP Development works?

A professional PHP Programming company has several clients from different industries including Retail, Telecom, and Travel etc who have used our services in the past and vouch for their total satisfaction. PHP Programming is usually used as an alternative of ASP Programming, ASP.NET Programming and Cold fusion Development. What are the major criterions for getting a job in the PHP market? Mainly the programmers have a minimum bachelors and mostly masters' degree from recognized IT University with a minimum of 2+ years of experience. They hold experience in many spheres like dynamic website development, database management, project management and security etc.

Basic knowledge that is required for PHP Developers:

The programmers for PHP Development have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, VBScript, XML etc. They are mandatory for proper execution of PHP functions. Benefits of PHP Development:

Reducing the IT Costs: Reduce IT costs with a gainful PHP & My SQL database application Development, thus leading to higher ROI for your business. Improving profitability of an Organization: Improve your organization's profitability and insight into business trends by building high-performance data warehouse applications in PHP & My SQL.

Minimizing the Operations Costs: Minimize operations costs by creating automated application development systems that improve your manual processes.

Broad Platform Support: PHP & MySQL supports most well-liked platforms consisting of Linux, Embedded Linux, Microsoft Windows, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Mac OS X, QNX, Novell Net ware etc.

The above article shows a snippet of the importance of php development in the IT sector.

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Have You ever Felt Frustrated with Driver Problems?

Have you ever been frustrated while you want to back up your drivers and you don't know where they are?

Have you felt trouble while you want to restore your system and find there is no proper driver backup?

Have you ever been confused about how to manually back up the drivers in your system?

Take it easy. With QuuSoft Driver Assistant, you don't need to worry about the problems above. QuuSoft Driver Assistant can provide one-click backup and restore option to conveniently manage your device drivers and repair them easily. QuuSoft Driver Assistant is a newly-developed application for backing up and restoring Drivers.

What can the QuuSoft Driver Assistant do for you?

It enables all the computer users to back up and restore their drivers with ease. You can quickly back up or restore your drivers in seconds by default setting.

All the processes are absolutely simple. Whether you want to back up the devices, you just need to click the Back up tab and choose what devices that you want to back up, and choose a destination folder to save the driver files, and then click Next button to proceed. Finally, click OK button to end the process.

If you want to restore the drivers, the process is so similar with the one of backup. At the beginning, you need to click the Restore tab, and select the devices you want to restore. Then, you need to choose the folder where you have saved the backup driver files. And then click Next button to proceed. Finally, click OK button to end the process.

What's more, if you want to automatically update your drivers, you can try to use QuuSoft Driver Smart, which can exactly detect the outdated or broken device drivers, locate the latest versions available to your computer system from your massive online driver database, automatically download and install them on your computer system.

To know more information about it, you could visit here.

Meanwhile, there is more driver updates information and solution here.

Energy Club MLM

Efusjon Energy Club MLM Review - Scam Or Legitimate Business Opportunity?

Is eFusion just another online scam?It’s interesting to me that people seem to automatically call most business opportunities a “scam”. The trouble is, most of these people are simply uneducated or misguided in their comments. However, it is human nature for us to be skeptical and that is okay.

I mean, there are so many opportunities online these days that it can make your head spin sometimes. We will discuss what the Efusjon Energy Club is, how the business works, and whether or not it should be called a scam.

eFusjon Products

Efusjon energy drinks were designed to compete with the massive growth in the energy drink industry. A well marketed example would be Red Bull, which boasts sales of over $2 billion dollars per year. That is an astronomical figure! Efusjon touts the fact that their drinks do not contain any of the harmful ingredients found in most energy drinks you see on the market.

The acai berries in Efusjon’s energy drinks are rated the #1 super food by Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Dr. Perricone is noted as a board-certified clinical research doctor who is also a frequent contributor on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Labeled as “Nature’s Energy Fruit,” Dr. Perricone has sung praises for the acai berry because of the antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids found within it. He also raves about the effects the acai berry can have on the anti-aging process.

Produced utilizing natural ingredients, eFusjon’s acai berry energy drink gives your body much needed antioxidants without all the added extras that are unhealthy for your body. Some reviewers have labeled it the “guilt-free” energy drink.

Efusjon Business Plan

Their compensation plan is what is called a community matrix that pays down 15 levels. It is a 3 x 15 level matrix that is unique in the fact that it is not your normal matrix. This is because you can qualify for spillover from both your upline and from people who are not even in your group, or those who would be considered sideline to you. It is an interesting concept and one that has gained a lot of interest evidently as the company launched in January, 2009 and as of June, 2009 already had over 25,000 spots filled in the matrix. That is tremendous growth by MLM standards.


The Efusjon energy club is definitely not a scam as it offers a real opportunity with a legitimate, tangible product. If you enjoy energy drinks, this could be a great alternative to the others available in the marketplace today. It may be an opportunity for you to put some extra income in your pocket as well.

1 comment to Efusjon Energy Club MLM Review - Scam Or Legitimate Business Opportunity?

  • I agree with your statements anyone who calls this a “tree scam” has no business in Efusjon or any other “mlm”. They either A) have never had responsibility for anything or B) had any sense of a future for them selves. I’m not the top rated distributor or have any downline at this time at all but I know this is an opportunity to have faith in and will lift me to the future I see for me and my family. Efusjon Energy Club is a great opportunity you just have to embrace it.

TIP Home Based Succes Business - don't Be A Cheapskate

Home Based Business Success Tip - Don’t Be A CheapSkate

Home based business success can only be determined by you, your actions, and your goals. If you have a goal in mind that you need to reach, you’re going to need tools along the way. This is no time to cut corners and be a cheapskate. You may be hurting for money right now, but the course of action you take at this moment will determine your success in the future.

You know by now that you need a website; this means you’ll need a domain, hosting, and design. You also need an auto-responder, and advertising (so people can find their way to your site). Most people look online for the cheapest possible deals and ways of skirting around monthly fees. Why would you want to pay someone for using their services, when you can get them for free? Well, I’ll tell you that if you want to achieve massive home based business success, then it’s better (in the long run) to actually pay for some of the services you’ll need

You want to use their services for convenience, stability, and reputation. If you go with an extremely cheap domain company and hosting account, then that is the type of service you’ll receive. They may have no technical support and a lot of downtime. You may have issues with your account, lost domain information, and countless other problems. Your best bet is to find a good domain service (like godaddy or namecheap) and a quality hosting company (like hostgator). You still shouldn’t pay more than $15/year for domains and no more than $10/month for a host (for start-up sites that is).

Proper website design is very important for achieving home based business success. For your website design, sure you could do it yourself if you know how to build sites. Or you could install wordpress and start blogging, or you could hire a website designer and have them take care of it for you. This way your site looks professional and you look like you should be taken seriously. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a site design. Shop around. Typically local businesses charge more, and if your best friend’s daughter’s best friend says she can design it.. that’s nice. But don’t mix business and friendship. Hire someone you don’t know, this way you can boss them around or tell them you don’t like something without hurting their feelings.

Next… your auto-responder. This is one of those investments that you make now that will pay off in the future. You can try using the auto-responder that comes with your host (which I DO NOT recommend) or you could try one of those freebie online versions. And there’s some cheap services out there. Remember though, you get what you pay for. You may lose addresses, they may not back-up their information, you may not be able to transfer if you change your mind, and you may have slow deliverability or none at all.

Take my advice and get a quality auto-responder now (like aweber or icontact). Build that up and use it. Work that much harder to pay covering the cost of it if it’s bothering you that much.

When driving traffic to your website, tools like Google Adwords and article/video submission are priceless. Some advertising can be free and that may be the only real thing you can be a cheapskate on (for now). But paying for traffic (or tools that help drive traffic) is something that all of us home based business entrepreneurs have to do!

Establishing you and your website in the beginning may not be easy, but if you use a combination of SEO, social media, and other marketing tools, you should be able to get your site noticed. Once you have your own product or a special event, it’s then time to pay for some real advertising.

Of course the best and fastest way of doing all of this, is to get a mentor. Sure it’s not cheap, but it will help you achieve success a thousand times faster

revolucion LGN

LGN REVOLUTION is the turn-key business system hosted by John Stillwell and uses the LGN Revolution compensation plan that allows new business owners to start making income from home. The LGN Revolution Elite system provides a number of tools, strategies, and support that begins to develop income and build wealth in a relatively short period of time.

With three levels of investment, the new business owner can choose what level is right for them based on their knowledge and experience and then upgrade their level at any time. Each upgrade allows a higher level of profit for the business owner and improved amount of income.

LGN Revolution recently announced a new system that is available to it’s members that will enable members to have their sales closed for them by experienced LGN Revolution members.This will work excellent to people that are involved or will be in involved in LGN Revolution who either are too busy to call and close their own sale or even for the people that are not comfortable yet at closing their own sales.Basically, when you have a PPM(Professional Prospect Manager) closing your prospects for you, you are agreeing to pay them a fee for each sale they close.This is a great way to work your business as it frees you up to spend more time doing what you like whether it is marketing your business or spending more time with your family.

Another added benefit of this system is that you can show your prospects that they wont have to shoulder the burden of closing their own sales if they don’t feel comfortable doing it themselves.So with this new addition, LGN Revolution it has really been taken to a new level as an online business opportunity. LGN Revolution is continuing to set the standards in the online marketing industry and will be a platform for anyone to make money as long as they get involved and apply what they are taught.

The LGN Elite product pays out $800 direct for each sale and then $198 residual income on sales from the business owner’s immediate customers. The LGN Extreme and LGN Revolution product levels pay slightly lower commissions and residuals and require less upfront cost. The customer entering at the LGN Revolution or LGN Extreme levels can upgrade at any time for just the differential cost. All three options offer the opportunity to make an excellent income from home. In addition to all of the above compensation, new business owners to the LGN system also receive travel vouchers for travel around the world while they are automatically creating wealth from home.

One aspect of the LGN system and John Stillwell’s sponsorship that differs from other online business opportunities is the level of support that the new business owner receives. The support is what allows the new business owner to start making income from home in a matter of weeks, for the quick learners. Yes, it is possible to start earning in days if you already have knowledge of on line marketing. For those who are new, there is going to be a learning curve.

All three LGN levels provide a turn-key website, weekly teleconference calls, and online marketing strategies from top internet marketing people. The LGN system offers the unique aspect of the real time, instant chat sales support for all visitors to the business owner’s website. This feature is unique to the LGN system.

Kamis, 05 November 2009


Both natural remedies and sleeping pills undoubtedly works for those who seek help for their insomnia issues, but which among the two can really bring you the most desirable effect?

Sleeping pills and sleeping aids have long been used by insomniacs to give them immediate relief from not being able to sleep. Over the years, sleeping pills and sleeping aids have provided help by giving those who have insomnia a chance to experience sleep like normal people do. Popping a pill is all you need to have a good night’s sleep. However, immediate effect, ease of use, and a guarantee that you will have the sleep that you need comes with a price.

Just like any medications, sleeping pills have undesirable side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, clumsiness, and headache among many others. Aside from side effects, you may also develop drug dependence, tolerance from the drug, and withdrawal symptoms. Even more, studies have shown that there is a possibility that your insomnia can become worse if you stop your medication. Sleeping pills can also mask an underlying problem that if treated may provide more relief from insomnia. Sleeping pills provide immediate help for insomnia, but is it worth the negative effects?

Natural remedies however have no side effects and provide a long term to a permanent help for insomnia. It may take awhile to feel the effects and it requires some dedication on your part but the effects are of much higher quality, side effect-free, and long-lasting, unlike the short-term effect of pills. Some common natural remedies that can help with your insomnia issues are proper sleep hygiene, sleep rituals, relaxation therapy, stimulus control, and stress-reducing techniques. There are other techniques which you have not probably heard of but also as effective as the common ones. Candida cleanse, liver cleanse, calcium and magnesium supplements, and use of extra virgin coconut oil are among the few.

Sleeping pills are used for short term only. They are not meant to be used as the ultimate help for insomnia problems. They make you sleep, period. It doesn’t matter if you are using pills to help you sleep, you are still an insomniac. Natural remedies on the other hand target the core problems which cause your insomnia, curing you as a result.

Sleep is crucial. Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking; including thinking about not thinking. Get rid of your insomnia now and have control over your sleep.


Darjeeling (Nepali: Darjeeling.ogg दार्जीलिंग ) is a town in the Indian state of West Bengal.

It is the headquarters of Darjeeling district, in the Shiwalik Hills on the lower range of the Himalaya, at an average elevation of 6,982 ft (2,128 m). During the British Raj in India, Darjeeling's temperate climate led to its development as a hill station (hill town) for British residents to escape the heat of the plains during the summers, becoming known as the Summer Capital.

Darjeeling is internationally famous for its tea industry and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tea plantations date back to the mid 19th century as part of a British development of the area. The tea growers of the area developed distinctive hybrids of black tea and fermenting techniques, with many blends considered among the world's finest.[1] The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway connecting the town with the plains was declared a World Heritage Site in 1999 and is one of the few steam engines still in service in India.

Darjeeling has several British-style public schools, which attract students from many parts of India and neighbouring countries. The town, along with neighbouring Kalimpong was a major center for the demand of a separate Gorkhaland state in the 1980s, though the separatist movement has gradually decreased over the past decade due to the setting up of an autonomous hill council. In recent years the town's fragile ecology is threatened by a rising demand for environmental resources, stemming from growing tourist traffic and poorly planned urbanisation.



[edit] History

The history of Darjeeling is intertwined with that of Bengal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal. Until the early 19th century, the area around Darjeeling was ruled intermittently by the kingdoms of Bengal, Nepal and Sikkim,[2] with settlement consisting of a few villages of Lepcha woodspeople.[3] In 1828, a delegation of British East India Company officials on their way to Sikkim stayed in Darjeeling and decided that the region was a suitable site for a sanatorium for British soldiers.[4][5] The Company negotiated a lease of the area from the Chogyal of Sikkim in 1835.[2] Arthur Campbell, a surgeon with the Company and Lieutenant Napier (later Lord Napier of Magdala) were given the responsibility to establish a hill station there.

The British established experimental tea plantations in Darjeeling in 1841. The success of these experiments led to the development of tea estates all around the town in the second half of the 19th century.[6] Darjeeling was included by the British Indian Empire a few years after an incident of discord between Sikkim and the Company in 1849.[4] During this time, immigrants mainly from Nepal, were recruited to work at construction sites, tea gardens, and on other agriculture-related projects.[5] Scottish missionaries undertook the construction of schools and welfare centres for the British residents, laying the foundation for Darjeeling's high reputation as a centre of education. The opening of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway in 1881 hastened the development of the region.[7] In 1898, Darjeeling was rocked by a major earthquake (known as the "Darjeeling disaster") that caused severe damage to the town and the native population.[8][9]

Darjeeling War Memorial

Under British rule, the Darjeeling area was initially a "Non-Regulation District" (a scheme of administration applicable to economically less advanced districts in the British Raj[10]) — acts and regulations of the British Raj did not automatically apply to the district in line with rest of the country. As a consequence of the 1905 Partition of Bengal, the area came under the jurisdiction of the Rajshahi division[11] and was placed in the newly created province of East Bengal and Assam. Darjeeling at this arrangement, started being ruled under the Rangpur District Administration of the modern Bangladesh. Later in 1919, the area was declared a "backward tract".[10] Darjeeling's elite residents were the British ruling class of the time, who visited Darjeeling every summer. An increasing number of well-to-do Indian residents of Kolkata (then Calcutta), affluent Maharajas of princely states and land-owning zamindars also began visiting Darjeeling.[12] The town continued to grow as a tourist destination, becoming known as the "Queen of the Hills".[13] The town did not see any significant political activity during the freedom struggle of India owing to its remote location and small population. However, there was a failed assassination attempt by revolutionaries on Sir John Anderson, the Governor of Bengal in the 1930s.[11]

A woman selling vegetables at a market in Darjeeling

After the independence of India in 1947, Darjeeling was merged with the state of West Bengal. The separate district of Darjeeling was established consisting of the hill towns of Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong and some parts of the Terai region. When the People's Republic of China annexed Tibet in 1950, thousands of Tibetan refugees settled across Darjeeling district. A diverse ethnic population gave rise to socio-economic tensions, and the demand for the creation of the separate states of Gorkhaland and Kamtapur along ethnic lines grew popular in the 1980s.

The GNLF flag.

The issues came to a head after a 40-day strike called by the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), during which violence gripped the city, causing the state government to call in the Indian Army to restore order. Political tensions largely declined with the establishment of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) under the chairmanship of Subash Gishing. The DGHC was given semi-autonomous powers to govern the district. Later its name was changed to "Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council" (DGAHC). Though Darjeeling is now peaceful, the issue of a separate state still lingers, supported by some political parties such as Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.[14]

[edit] Geography

Mount Kanchenjunga and Darjeeling seen from Tiger Hill.
Mount Kanchanjangha as viewed from Darjeeling

Darjeeling is located at an average elevation of 6,982 ft (2,128 m)[15] in the Darjeeling Himalayan hill region on the Darjeeling-Jalapahar range that originates in the south from Ghum. The range is Y-shaped with the base resting at Katapahar and Jalapahar and two arms diverging north of Observatory Hill. The north-eastern arm dips suddenly and ends in the Lebong spur, while the north-western arm passes through North Point and ends in the valley near Tukver Tea Estate.[2]

Darjeeling is the main town of the Sadar subdivision and also the headquarters of the district. The hills of Darjeeling are situated in the Lower Himalayas, however, they do not form a part of the Shiwalik Hills. The soil is chiefly composed of sandstone and conglomerate formations, which are the solidified and upheaved detritus of the great range of Himalaya. However, the soil is often poorly consolidated (the permeable sediments of the region do not retain water between rains) and is not considered suitable for agriculture. The area has steep slopes and loose topsoil, leading to frequent landslides during the monsoons. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, the town falls under seismic zone-IV, (on a scale of I to V, in order of increasing proneness to earthquakes) near the convergent boundary of the Indian and the Eurasian tectonic plates and is subject to frequent quakes. The hills are nestled within higher peaks and the snow-clad Himalayan ranges tower over the town in the distance. Mount Kanchenjunga (8,598 m or 28,208 ft) — the world's third-highest peak — is the most prominent peak visible. In days clear of clouds, Nepal's Mount Everest (29,035 ft or 8,850 m) can be seen.[16]

There are several tea plantations in the area. The town of Darjeeling and surrounding region face deforestation due to increasing demand for wood fuel and timber, as well as air pollution from increasing vehicular traffic.[17] Flora around Darjeeling includes temperate, deciduous forests of poplar, birch, oak, and elm as well as evergreen, coniferous trees of wet alpine. Dense evergreen forests lie around the town, where a wide variety of rare orchids are found. Lloyd's Botanical Garden preserves common and rare species of flora, while the Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is the only specialised zoo in the country conserving and breeding endangered Himalayan species.[18]

[edit] Climate

A Darjeeling street, taken in heavy rain.

Darjeeling's temperate climate has five distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and the monsoons. Summers (lasting from May to June) are mild, with maximum temperatures rarely crossing 25 °C (77 °F). The monsoon season from June to September is characterised by intense torrential rains often causing landslides that block Darjeeling's land access to the rest of the country. In winter temperature averages 5–7 °C (41–44 °F). Occasionally the temperatures drop below freezing; snowfalls are rare. During the monsoon and winter seasons, Darjeeling is often shrouded in mist and fog. The annual mean temperature is 12 °C (53 °F); monthly mean temperatures range from 5–17 °C (41–62 °F).[19] The highest temperature ever recorded in the district was 26.7 °C (80.1 °F) on 23 August 1957; the lowest-ever temperature recorded was −5 °C (23 °F) on 11 February 1905.[20] The average annual precipitation is 281.8 cm (110.9 in), with the highest incidence occurring in July (75.3 cm or 29.6 in).[19]

[edit] Civic administration

A political rally taking place in Darjeeling.

The Darjeeling urban agglomeration consists of Darjeeling Municipality and the Pattabong Tea Garden.[21] Established in 1850, the Darjeeling municipality maintains the civic administration of the town, covering an area of 10.57 km² (4.08 mi²).[21] The municipality consists of a board of councillors elected from each of the 32 wards of Darjeeling town as well as a few members nominated by the state government. The board of councillors elects a chairman from among its elected members;[2] the chairman is the executive head of the municipality. The Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) at present holds power in the municipality. The Gorkha-dominated hill areas of the whole Darjeeling district is under the jurisdiction of the Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council since its formation in 1988. The DGHC's elected councillors are authorised to manage certain affairs of the hills, including education, health and tourism. The town is within the Darjeeling Lok Sabha constituency and elects one member to the Lok Sabha (Lower House) of the Indian Parliament.[22] It elects one member in the West Bengal state legislative assembly, the Vidhan Sabha. The Bharatiya Janata Party's Jaswant Singh won the parliamentary election in 2009, while the state assembly seat was won by GNLF in the 2006 polls. Darjeeling town comes under the jurisdiction of the district police (which is a part of the state police); a Deputy Superintendent of Police oversees the town's security and law affairs. Darjeeling municipality area has two police stations at Darjeeling and Jorebungalow.[23]

[edit] Utility services

A sewer running behind houses.

Natural springs provide most of Darjeeling's water supply – water collected is routed to Senchal Lake (10 km or 6.2 miles (10.0 km) southeast of town), from where it is piped to the town. During the dry season, when water supplied by springs is insufficient, water is pumped from Khong Khola, a nearby small perennial stream. There is a steadily widening gap between water supply and demand; just over 50% of the town's households are connected to the municipal water supply system.[2] The town has an underground sewage system that collects domestic waste from residences and about fifty community toilets. Waste is then conveyed to six central septic tanks and ultimately disposed of in natural jhoras (waterways); roadside drains also collect sewage and storm water. Municipal Darjeeling produces about 50 tonnes (110,200 lb) of solid waste every day, which is disposed of in nearby disposal sites.[2]

Electricity is supplied by the West Bengal State Electricity Board, and the West Bengal Fire Service provides emergency services for the town. The town often suffers from power outages and the electrical supply voltage is unstable, making voltage stabilisers popular with many households. Almost all of the primary schools are now maintained by Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council. The total length of all types of roads — including stepped paths within the municipality — is around 90 km (56 miles); these are maintained by the municipality.[2]

[edit] Economy

Darjeeling Tea Plantation

The two most significant contributors to Darjeeling's economy are tourism and the tea industry. Darjeeling tea is regarded as one of the best of black teas and is widely popular,[1] especially in the UK and the countries making up the former British Empire. The tea industry has faced competition in recent years from tea produced in other parts of India as well as other countries like Nepal.[24] Widespread concerns about labour disputes, worker layoffs and closing of estates have affected investment and production.[25] Several tea estates are being run on a workers' cooperative model, while others are being planned for conversion into tourist resorts.[25] More than 60% of workers in the tea gardens are women. The remuneration of workers are often half in cash and half in other benefits like accommodation, subsidised rations, free medical benefits etc.[26]

The district's forests and other natural wealth have been adversely affected by an ever-growing population.[21] The years since independence have seen substantial advances in the area's education, communication and agriculture – the latter including the production of diverse cash crops like potato, cardamom, ginger, and oranges. Farming on terraced slopes is a major source of livelihood for the rural populace around the town and it supplies the town with fruits and vegetables.

Summer and spring seasons are most popular with tourists, keeping many of Darjeeling's residents employed directly and indirectly, with many residents owning and working in hotels and restaurants. Many people earn a living working for tourism companies and as guides. Darjeeling is a popular filming destination for Bollywood and Bengali cinema; films such as Aradhana, Main Hoon Na, Kanchenjungha have been filmed here. As the district headquarters, Darjeeling employs many in government offices. Small contributions to the economy come from the sale of traditional arts and crafts of Bengal, Sikkim and Tibet.

[edit] Transport

The "Toy Train" approaching Darjeeling.

The town of Darjeeling can be reached by the 50 miles (80 km) long Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (nicknamed the "Toy Train") from Siliguri, or by the Hill Cart Road (National Highway 55) that follows the railway line. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is a 60 cm (2 ft) narrow-gauge railway. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999, becoming only the second railway in the world to have this honour.[7] Regular bus services and hired vehicles connect Darjeeling with Siliguri and the neighbouring towns of Kurseong, Kalimpong and Gangtok. Four wheel drives, including Land Rovers, are the most popular means of transport, as they can easily navigate the steep slopes in the region. However, road and railway communications often get disrupted in the monsoons due to landslides. The nearest airport is in Bagdogra near Siliguri, located about 93 km (58 miles) from Darjeeling. Indian Airlines, Jet Airways and Air Deccan are the three major carriers that connect the area to Delhi, Calcutta and Guwahati. The closest major railway station is in New Jalpaiguri, which is connected with almost all major cities of the country. Within the town, people usually traverse by walking. Residents also use bicycle, two-wheelers and hired taxis for travelling short distances. The Darjeeling Ropeway, functional from 1968 to 2003, was stopped after an accident killed four tourists.[27][28]

[edit] Demographics

Concrete/brick and timber houses in the town.

Darjeeling urban agglomeration (which includes Pattabong Tea Garden), with an area of 12.77 km² (4.93 mi²) has a population of 109,163, while the municipal area has a population of 107,530.[21] The town has an additional average diurnal floating population of 20,500 – 30,000, mainly consisting of the tourists.[2] The population density of the municipal area is 10,173 per km².[21] The sex ratio is 1,017 females per 1,000 males[21] — which is higher than the national average. The women make a significant contribution as earning members of households and the workforce. The major religion is Hinduism, followed by Buddhism. Christians and Muslims form sizable minorities.[29] The population's ethnic composition is closely linked with that of Bengal, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim. The majority of the populace is of ethnic Nepali background. Indigenous ethnic groups include the Tamangs, Lepchas, Bhutias, Sherpas, Rais, Yamloos, Damais, Kamais, Newars and Limbus. Other communities that inhabit Darjeeling include the Marwaris, Anglo-Indians, Chinese, Biharis, Tibetans and Bengali. The most commonly spoken language is Nepali; Hindi and English are also used.

Darjeeling has seen significant growth in its population during the last century, especially since the 1970s. Annual growth rates reached as high as 45% in the 1990s, far above the national, state, and district averages.[2] The colonial town had been designed for a mere population of 10,000, and subsequent growth has created extensive infrastructual and environmental problems. The region is relatively new in geological terms and unstable in nature, suffering from a host of environmental problems.[2] Environmental degradation, including denudation of the surrounding hills has adversely affected Darjeeling's appeal as a tourist destination.[17]

[edit] Culture

Colourful flags with Buddhist text around a Hindu temple. Such flags are believed to ward off evil spirits.
Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre

Apart from the major religious festivals of Diwali, Christmas, Dussera, Holi etc., the diverse ethnic populace of the town celebrates several local festivals. The Lepchas and Bhutias celebrate new year in January, while Tibetans celebrate the new year (Losar) with "Devil Dance" in February–March. The Maghe sankranti, Ram Navami, Chotrul Duchen, Buddha Jayanti, the birthday of the Dalai Lama and Tendong Lho Rumfaat are some other festivals, some distinct to local culture and others shared with the rest of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Darjeeling Carnival, initiated by a civil society movement known as The Darjeeling Initiative, is a ten day carnival held every year during the winter with the high quality portrayal of the rich musical and cultural heritage of Darjeeling Hills as its central theme.[30]

A popular food in Darjeeling is the momo, a steamed dumpling containing pork, beef and vegetables cooked in a doughy wrapping and served with watery soup. Wai-Wai is a packaged snack consisting of pre cooked noodles which are eaten either directly from the packet dry or in soup form. Churpee, a kind of hard cheese made from cow's or yak's milk is sometimes chewed. A form of noodle called thukpa, served in soup form is also popular in Darjeeling. "Aloo Dum" is the most popular snack, boiled potato garnished with chilli powder, edible colour, tumeric and cooked as curry with thick gravy or sometimes it is watery. It is mostly eaten with Aachaar and potato chips or other snacks. There are a large number of restaurants which offer a wide variety of traditional Indian, continental and Chinese cuisines to cater to the tourists. Tea is the most popular beverage, procured from the famed Darjeeling tea gardens, as well as coffee. "Rakshi" and Jhaad and Tongba" is also loved by the people, it similar to Chhaang, all these are local drinks available. Chhaang is a local beer made from millet.[31]

Colonial architecture characterises many buildings in Darjeeling; several mock Tudor residences, Gothic churches, the Raj Bhawan (Governor House), Planters' Club and various educational institutions are examples. Buddhist monasteries showcase the pagoda style architecture. Darjeeling is regarded as a centre of music and a niche for musicians and music admirers. Singing and playing musical instruments is a common pastime among the resident population, who take pride in the traditions and role of music in cultural life.[32] Western music is popular among the younger generation, and Darjeeling is a major centre of Nepali rock music. Cricket and football are the most popular sports in Darjeeling. An improvised form of ball made of rubber garters (called chungi) is often used for playing in the steep streets.

Some notable places to visit include are Mahakal temple, unique for its worship of Hindu and Buddhist deities together, the Tiger Hill, the zoo,its is major initiative towards conservation of endengered himaliyan species including famous Snow leopard, the Red Panda, etc. monasteries and the tea gardens. The town attracts trekkers and sportsmen seeking to explore the Himalayas, Sandhakphu is famous among the adventure loving people, the scenery is breath taking and spectacular. It also serves as the starting point for climbing attempts on some Indian and Nepali peaks. Tenzing Norgay, one of the two men to first climb Mount Everest, spent most of his adult life in the Sherpa community in Darjeeling. His success provided the impetus to establish the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling in 1954. In the Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center, Tibetan crafts like carpets, wood and leather work are displayed. Several monasteries like Ghum Monastery (8 km or 5 miles (8.0 km) from the town), Bhutia Busty monastery, Mag-Dhog Yolmowa preserve ancient Buddhist scripts.

[edit] Education

Darjeeling's schools are either run by the state government or by private and religious organisations. Schools mainly use English and Nepali as their media of instruction, although the national language Hindi and the official state language Bengali are also stressed. The schools are either affiliated with the ICSE, the CBSE, or the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. Having been a summer retreat for the British in India, Darjeeling soon became the place of choice for the establishment of public schools on the model of Eton, Harrow and Rugby, allowing the children of British officials to obtain an exclusive education.[33] Institutions such as St. Joseph's College (School Dept.), Loreto Convent, St. Paul's School and Mount Hermon School attract students from all over India and South Asia. Many schools (some are more than a hundred years old) still adhere to the traditions from its British and colonial heritage. Darjeeling hosts three colleges — St. Joseph's College, Loreto College, Salesian College and Darjeeling Government College — all affiliated to University of North Bengal in Siliguri.

[edit] Media

Newspapers in Darjeeling include English language dailies, The Statesman and The Telegraph, which are printed in Siliguri, and The Hindustan Times and the Times of India which are printed in Kolkata and are received after a day's delay. Darjeeling Times printed from Darjeeling is the only monthly English language news-magazine.In addition to these one can also find Nepali, Hindi and Bengali publications. Nepali newspapers include "Sunchari", "Himali Darpan". The public radio station, All India Radio is the only one that can be received in Darjeeling. However, Darjeeling receives almost all the television channels that are received by the rest of the country. Apart from the state-owned terrestrial network Doordarshan, cable television serves most of the homes in the town, while satellite television is common in the outlying areas and in wealthier households. Besides mainstream Indian channels, the town also receives local Nepali language channels. Internet cafés are well established in the main market area, served through dial-up access. BSNL provides a limited form of broadband connectivity of up to 128 kbit/s with DIAS (Direct Internet Access System) connections. The area is serviced by local cellular companies such as BSNL, Reliance Infocomm, Vodafone, Airtel and Aircel.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b "Champagne among teas". Deccan Herald (The Printers (Mysore) Private Ltd.). 2005-06-17. Archived from the original on 2007-02-21. Retrieved 2006-07-18.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Khawas, Vimal (2003). "Urban Management in Darjeeling Himalaya: A Case Study of Darjeeling Municipality.". The Mountain Forum. Retrieved 2006-05-01. Now available in the Internet Archive in this URL (accessed on 7 June 2006)
  3. ^ "Darjeeling Tea". h2g2, BBC. 2005-05-12. Retrieved 2006-08-17.
  4. ^ a b "The History of Darjeeling — The Queen of Hills". Darjeelingpolice. Retrieved 2009-03-11.
  5. ^ a b "History of Darjeeling". Retrieved 2006-08-17.
  6. ^ "Darjeeling Tea History". Darjeelingnews. Retrieved 2006-05-02.
  7. ^ a b "Mountain Railways of India". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  8. ^ "A Pride of Panners" (PDF Format). Baron Courts of Prestoungrange & Dolphinstoun. pp. 43. Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  9. ^ (Lee 1971)
  10. ^ a b Chakraborty, Subhas Ranjan (2003). "Autonomy for Darjeeling: History and Practice". Experiences on Autonomy in East and North East: A Report on the Third Civil Society Dialogue on Human Rights and Peace (By Sanjoy Borbara). Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Retrieved 2006-08-13.
  11. ^ a b "History of Darjeeling". Retrieved 2006-05-02.
  12. ^ Shringla, T.T. (2003). "Travelogues: Toy Train to Darjeeling". India Travelogue. Retrieved 2006-06-08.
  13. ^ Chattopadhyay, S.S. (January 2005). "Return of the queen". Frontline 22 (01). Retrieved 2006-07-30.
  14. ^ "Constitution of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha". Retrieved 2009-05-18.
  15. ^ "GeneralInformation". Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  16. ^ "Darjeeling". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. Retrieved 2006-07-26.
  17. ^ a b TERI (2001). "Sustainable Development in the Darjeeling Hill Area" (PDF). Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi. (TERI Project No.2000UT64). pp. 20. Retrieved 2006-05-01.
  18. ^ "Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park". Retrieved 2006-05-04.
  19. ^ a b "Weatherbase entry for Darjeeling". Canty and Associates LLC. Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  20. ^ "geography". Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  21. ^ a b c d e f Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal (2003). "Table-4 Population, Decadal Growth Rate, Density and General Sex Ratio by Residence and Sex, West Bengal/ District/ Sub District, 1991 and 2001". Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  22. ^ "Assembly Constituencies - Corresponding Districts and Parliamentary Constituencies" (PDF). West Bengal. Election Commission of India. Retrieved 2008-10-02.
  23. ^ Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal (2003). "Table-3 District Wise List of Statutory Towns ( Municipal Corporation, Municipality, Notified Area and Cantonment Board), Census Towns and Outgrowths, West Bengal, 2001". Retrieved 2006-04-30.
  24. ^ "Darjeeling tea growers at risk". BBC News. 2001-07-27. Retrieved 2006-05-08.
  25. ^ a b Haber, Daniel B (2004-01-14). "Economy-India: Famed Darjeeling Tea Growers Eye Tourism for Survival". Inter Press Service News Agency. Retrieved 2006-05-08.
  26. ^ "Darjeeling Tea Facts". Retrieved 2006-05-08.
  27. ^ "Darjeeling ropeway mishap kills four". Page One. The Statesman. 2003-10-20. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  28. ^ Mookerjee, Soma (2007-06-22). "Darjeeling Ropeway to open again". Bengal. The Statesman. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  29. ^ "Darjeeling Festivals". Retrieved 2006-05-01.
  30. ^ Chattopadhyay, S.S. (December 2003). "The spirit of Darjeeling". Frontline 20 (25). Retrieved 2006-05-01.
  31. ^ Jaschke, H. Ä. A Tibetan-English Dictionary, p. 341. (1881). Reprint: (1987). Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. ISBN 81-208-0321-3.
  32. ^ Rasaily DP, Lama RP. "The Nature-centric Culture of the Nepalese". The Cultural Dimension of Ecology. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi. Retrieved 2006-07-31.
  33. ^ Lal, Vinay. ""Hill Stations: Pinnacles of the Raj." Review article on Dale Kennedy, The Magic Mountains : Hill Stations and the British Raj". UCLA Social Sciences Computing. Retrieved 2001-07-30.

[edit] References

  • Bradnock, R & R Bradnock (2004), Footprint India Handbook (13th ed.), Footprint Handbooks, ISBN 1904777007
  • Brown, Percy (1917), Tours in Sikhim and the Darjeeling District (3rd (1934) ed.), Calcutta: W. Newman & Co., 223, ISBN ASIN: B0008B2MIY
  • Kennedy, Dane (1996), Magic Mountains: Hill Stations and the British Raj, University of California Press, 265, ISBN 0520201884
  • Lee, Ada (1971), The Darjeeling disaster: Triumph through sorrow : the triumph of the six Lee children, Lee Memorial Mission, ISBN ASIN: B0007AUX00
  • Newman's Guide to Darjeeling and Its Surroundings, Historical & Descriptive, with Some Account of the Manners and Customs of the Neighbouring Hill Tribes, and a Chapter on Thibet and the Thibetans, W. Newman and Co., 1900
  • Saraswati, Baidyanath (Ed) (1998), Cultural Dimension of Ecology, DK Print World Pvt.Ltd, India, ISBN 812460102X
  • Ronaldshay, The Earl of (1923), Lands of the Thunderbolt. Sikhim, Chumbi & Bhutan, London: Constable & Co., ISBN 81-206-1504-2 (Reprint)
  • Singh, S (2005), Lonely Planet India (11th ed.), Lonely Planet Publications, ISBN 1740596943
  • Waddell, L.A. (2004), Among the Himalayas, Kessinger Publishing, ISBN 076618918X
  • Roy, Barun (2003), Fallen Cicada (2003 ed.), Beacon Publication, 223, ISBN 0732193121X

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